Mind matters: Worldly Instincts: Craving that keep you away from - TopicsExpress


Mind matters: Worldly Instincts: Craving that keep you away from the truth. What is it that keeps you far and away from the reality, from truth and from the Divine ? They are 4 types of fears or cravings that binds you to the world. These are called Aishanas. And they are- Puthraishana, Vittaishana,Lokaishana and Jeevaishana. First is Puthraishana :Ever thinking of one’s progeny; attachment to one’s children. Tomorrow, when they grow up and don’t have time for you, you will be heart Brocken . In reality whose children are they? God’s children. You were just the doorway for them to come through. But people say” Oh my children .my children’. It gets so feverish in your mind.It clogs your thinking so thatyou don’t really see that what is good for them.There are so many problems and suffering because of this.aishana. Then comes Vittaishana.- Money, I know an old woman who would say if somebody is sick in their head, give them lots of coins.They will go on counting and the sickness will fade away. Vittaishana is hunger for Money.How much can you have ?What do you want to do with it ?Okay, let’s say you have 30 Million dollars . What will you do with it ? Are you going to enjoy 30 million in the life time ? Money is essential but,the craving of money can overshadow you and your life so completely that you will be unable to see the reality, recognise Love,and see something beyond. Vittaishana binds you . It is a book that keeps your mind in the bank.It gives you the false security.Some Billiannares were stranded in the sahara deserts for many days fighting like dogs over a loaf of bread and getting into a panic for a bottle of wter.Haven’t you seen this ?People who were become very rich had to abandon everything and become paupers overnight.Very big companies who have Billions, are in debts . you know this ?.Why worry so much over Money ?.Have trust and say “what I need be provided “and then work , putting 100% yourself into it.See what happens- Whatever is to come will come. and whatever has to be spent will be spent. Then follows Lokaishana-You may not care so much for money. But what you care about now is-“ Oh! What will people think about me.?” You want to be praised by everybody in this worl; Want to be Famous; want to be something. Want to be something that your name should be there for all generation to come; want to become immortal ! What is happening to the people who are very famous ? Does their fame remain same all the time ? Some other person become more famous than them-say another singer, another actor,another dancer. This puts a lot of Fire in them. They become jealous and start criticising others. And they become very unhappy ! When you are in the peak of the fame and trying to maintain it, there is so much fear and uneasiness in you. You become so uncomfortable. This “wanting “ so as to be able to showiff, for other people’s sake, for what others will say , is lokaishana can create fear in you and pull you down. Then comes –Jeevaishana- the fourth Aishana. Wanting to live longer.Wanting to become physically immortal. But why make the physical bdoy Immortal ? Nature is providing you fresh body again and again. When there is so many apples growing , why keep one apple, make it ancient, and then eat it ? The body is perishable item. People who have not lived their life fully have this craving to live longer and longer. You see these very sick people, who are absolutely ill; they are not ready to die; they say “I want to live few more years; I should see this end of the century “. Jeevaishana holding on to the life. People who have incurable deceases, amputated limbs don’t want to die;They hanker to live longer and longer. What is the result ? it does not allow them to enjoy the moment, to be free, And it creates tension in life. A healthy man will die, and a sick person will also die.A patient die; a doctor die; Everybody will die. It is an inevitable phase of life. It has a beginning and an end. It is going to happen, and it will happen. That does not mean you don’t have to take care of your body. You should take absolute care of your body, but without feverishness, without this Aishana. By Sri Sri ravishankar.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:05:55 +0000

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