Mindwarp Warning: Are Nuclear Power Plants Secretly Manufacturing - TopicsExpress


Mindwarp Warning: Are Nuclear Power Plants Secretly Manufacturing Gold? With precious metal prices constantly on the rise, Ive been exploring the possibility of making some of my own gold. Making gold is not as difficult as you would imagine, all you need is one alchemist with specific esoteric knowledge or, more realistically, a nuclear reactor capable of nuclear transmutation. Transmutation of the elements has been explored by men and women a lot longer that you think, while modern methods of transmutation have become simpler due to technological innovations - innovations that are often misleading as to what their true capabilities are. Video Description: In March of 1924 Man Discovered the Secret of Alchemy. Since 1954, 31 countries have built 435 nuclear power plants. Id say all of them were designed to perform this operation. Generating electricity may not be the primary use, as we have been told. They have had the ability to commercially produce gold for 58 years. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There really is no telling how much they have stockpiled... Mercurys current market price = $1.25 oz. / Gold is $1,655 oz. In March 1924, at the Tokyo Imperial University, Professor Hantaro Nagaoka directed 150,000 volts of electricity at a mercury isotope under a dialectic layer of paraffin oil for four hours in an early experiment with nuclear energy. The purpose was to strike out a hydrogen proton from the nucleus of the mercury and produce a new element, gold. Mercury has 80 protons. Gold, meanwhile, has 79 protons — you see where I’m going with this. The experiment was a success. Professor Hantaro Nagaoka solved the mystery that eluded scientists for centuries, the mystery of the Philosopher’s Stone. The Philosopher’s Stone is the idea that you could have a magical material that could turn lead, or some very inexpensive metal, into gold. For thousands of years, kings sought out this mythical device, one that could create gold out of common metals. Scientists and alchemists for centuries have been trying to invent one. Even Sir Isaac Newton obsessed over the mystery of the Philosopher’s Stone in the 17th century. However, the English feared the potential devaluation of gold and made the practice of alchemy punishable by death. Fast forward now a few centuries to present day. If we wish to manufacture gold, the most helpful metal to start with is mercury. Gold is element 79 and mercury is element 80, which means that there is only a slight difference between their atomic structures. The mercury atom has one more proton in its nucleus and the corresponding electron in the outer (known as F shell) orbit... Continues with video @ nexusilluminati.blogspot.au/2014/07/mindwarp-warning-are-nuclear-power.html By G. Hunter
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:18:44 +0000

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