Miners told - vote to close your pit in 2015 - or we will close it - TopicsExpress


Miners told - vote to close your pit in 2015 - or we will close it now Cameron is closing coal fired power stations and our coal mines - why? Well Cameron has decided rather than safely burning coal in Coal fired power stations - Cameron has issued 40 licenses (and counting) - to burn billions of tons of coal under our feet instead -to make gas Yes - burning it in power stations does not make enough profit for the greedy And Cameron has decided if we give the coal to the elite- they can burn it underground So what if it contaminates water, it causes subsidence, it causes explosions - it makes more profit doing it that way Cameron has issued 40 licences in the past 18 months to burn billions of tons of coal underground - instead of in power stations All the licenses have been issued to companies with absolutely no experience - using technology that has not even been tested But that does not matter - they can make more money burning billions of tons of coal under our feet - than they can employing people as miners and burning coal in a power station Now - the little fact that it contaminates ground water with carcinogenic chemicals -benzene and toluene (think Erin Brockovich) is an inconvenient truth- that Cameron ignores Those 40 licenses to burn billions of tons of coal underground - that have been issued in the past 18 months -where are they - are they near water? Lets see.... Firth of Forth, Dee Estuary, Humber Estuary, Thames Estuary, Solway Firth, Swansea Bay, River Leam (of Leamington spa fame), River Esk (Dumfries), River Blythe (Northumberland).... frackingfreeireland.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Theft-Of-Austerity-Britains-Coal.pdf Imagine issuing licenses to burn billions of tons of coal underground ...using a process that contaminates groundwater in every trial with carcinogenic chemicals ....yet every single licence David Cameron has issued is next to water....you just could not make it up So now we know why what is left of British mine workers jobs and our coal fired power stations are all being shut down ...because you just cant get the same return on your investment old boy ... why pay workers wages ..when you can burn coal for free ...and make huge profits.. But who makes the profits - is it the British Nation to profit from the British Nations Coal Sorry - up until 18 months ago - not any more David Cameron is stealing our coal - and giving all the rights to profit it his friends A Tory party fundraiser (who has lived in Africa for years)...walked back into the country in 2012 - set up a company weeks later - and he now owns 60 billion tons of Britains coal - free - for his personal profit And an Australian company brags to Australian investors - they could not get their hands on Australias coal - but they have waltzed into Britain - and been handed 60 billion tons of our coal - free - for their profit And the Australian company chairman said to Australian investors last year - I was born in England but boy it feels good to sock it to the English (and Scottish ) - and boy does he intend socking it to us - because he tells Australian investors - he plans to charge us 5 times what it costs to make the gas from burning billions of tons of OUR COAL under our feet - while contaminating our water And that is why these miners are being made redundant and Cameron is closing every coal fired power station - because who needs a power station to burn coal safely - when you can do it on the cheap - regardless of the consequences thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-2608457/Yorkshire-miners-asked-Do-want-year.html#ixzz2zP7IZI9e
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 11:04:06 +0000

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