Mini rant ahead, I need to get this off my chest =u=;;; I am - TopicsExpress


Mini rant ahead, I need to get this off my chest =u=;;; I am going to admit rn that for months Ive been feeling very low and somewhat depressed because of arts. Since making a da acc and posting my artwork there, I would often check my messages to see the amount of faves and comments Id get, and more often than not, the amount Id get would determine my mood for the rest of the day. Looking back, I realized what an idiot I was back then. To let that sort of obsession over how popular my art control me isnt healthy at all. And I would often belittle myself whenever I saw a great artwork by someone younger than me. I would sulk and get mad for something as petty as that. I never enjoyed drawing as long as I think that way, always competing and always trying to be better than the others. Yes, my drawing improved a lot but at the cost of my mental health. I would stress out just to finish a drawing and I would ragequit when it doesnt get many faves. (Wow I wanna punch the old me so bad) I forgot what is the reason I love to draw. I forgot that I would draw in class just to keep my sanity listening to those boring lectures. I forgot that I draw to make my imagination alive. I forgot that I draw because it relieves my stress. But most of all, I forgot that I draw because drawing makes me happy. I know that all of us are competing with each other to improve our arts, but to forget why we draw in the first place... well, thats just sad. We draw not to stress ourselves more, we draw because we enjoy it. Picking up a pencil and drawing our imagination to life is a gift for all artists out there. I no longer care about the faves, I only care about how I enjoy drawing and how it makes me happy. And if others enjoy my drawing, I am happy for them. If others consider me an inspiration, Id love to encourage them. If you see me ranting about how I hate my drawing style , dont worry to much about that. Thats just me working hard to please myself, becaude deep down I am still pleased with the fact that I could draw, just wanting to make it better. Im complicated, I know //laughs Okay my rant ends. Im pretty sure the conclusion is enjoy your own arts, dont focus too much on popularity and dont forget why you draw in the first place. Just keep drawing
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 03:50:59 +0000

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