Miniatures-painters: As I posted this past week, Sandra Buskirk - TopicsExpress


Miniatures-painters: As I posted this past week, Sandra Buskirk got me paints and brushes for Christmas. I hauled out my long-in-storage miniatures, and am now looking to fill in the gaps in my painting gear. Its been about 20 years since I last painted miniatures. What fixative would yall recommend, especially seeing as how I have a big shipment of plastic Reaper Miniatures Bones II coming to me soon? Back when I was doing a lot of minis-work, I avoided fixatives because they tended to be gloppy (were talking late-70s to mid-80s, here), and were either TOO glossy or TOO matte. I know things have gotten better, but Im not sure where to look for good product. Oh, on that note - what glue would yall recommend? I have both metal and plastic miniatures that require assembly... hell, even a few vintage lead ones that I never got around to building way back when. Also, what techniques would yall recommend for panting skin? I came up as a painter of WWII and Napoleonic military models, so my approach used to involve a lot of dark washes. That technique, however, makes things look dingy - perfect for WWII vehicles, not so much for fantasy miniatures. Dry-brushing over a dark undercoat works well for larger figures, but Ive had unsatisfying results using that technique on smaller ones. Thoughts? Thanks!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:52:47 +0000

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