Minimum required for the success of the Firm Rock operation. With - TopicsExpress


Minimum required for the success of the Firm Rock operation. With all discussions and commentaries on the subject what should be done to get the best results in the operation the Firm Rock, no one really knows where Israel is heading. End of the operation that would be undecided and leaving Hamas to govern in the Gaza Strip, even it will be weakened for a longer period, may increase the distrust of the majority of Israelis, particularly in the south, in the Israeli governments ability to ensure security of citizens. The diminishing morale among the people is much more real danger to the future of the Jewish state than the danger of casualties as a result of the war battles. Assuming that the minds at the current leadership of the country, who have a limited tactical short term thinking and advocate caution, are prevailing those who have the long-term strategic considerations, there are still several steps one can do and thus reach the mark of the Israeli victory in the current round of fighting with the terrorists. Such step could be the return to the areas in northern Gaza where the Jewish settlements were abandoned to full control of Israel. Three of these communities were not located in the area populated by Arabs. In contrary, they were really tight connected to the Israeli settlements beyond the 1949 armistice “Green Line”. These settlements were evacuated and destroyed without any logical justification thus allowing Hamas to move its rocket launch barrels closer to Ashkelon. Another Jewish settlement, Kfar Darom, located in the southern Gaza Strip, was occupied at the time by the Egyptian army, and was re-established after the Six-Day War. Again, without any logical justification, this village was evacuated and transferred to Hamas. However, as noted, even though it was close connected to the Green Line. In fact, the status of that community should have the same status as of the Gush Etzion settlements occupied by the Jordanian Legion and restored after the Six Day War. Another and very important step would be the return of the IDF to the Philadelphi Route area along the Gaza-Egypt border. But this time this strip needs to be much wider for ensuring safety of soldiers and total occlusion of the possibility of digging smuggling tunnels. Following such approach, the width of the renewed Philadelphi Route should be about 3 miles. The entire strip area would be declared as a closed military area and the moving through it by people and goods would be allowed only after the approval and by full Israeli supervision. Considering that the justice should be done in full, another injustice disengagement from reality made by Sharon must also to be fixed. This is renewing the Jewish settlements in northern Samaria: Chomesh, Ganim and Kadim. And as a compensation for damage caused by the government, it needs to be rebuild in the frame of the whole Master plan that had been approved long before the decision to destroy this settlements. As for the Arab population suffering as a result of the fighting. Given that according to the results of all opinion polls conducted by Birzeit and An-Najah universities, about 44% of the young people want to emigrate, Israel should allow this for humanitarian reasons and by respecting the basic right of every person to choose emigration.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:32:41 +0000

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