Ministry of Encouragement First Sunday of the month October - TopicsExpress


Ministry of Encouragement First Sunday of the month October through June 9:15-10:15 La Verne Church of the Brethren, 2325 E. St. La Verne, California 91750 Want encouragement to be your boldest, most vulnerable, or most eccentric self? From career development to spirituality, conflict transformation, theology, and family dynamics - the Ministry of Encouragement is here to support your faith journey. This year we’ll begin our conversations with the nine Enneagram types, the Beatitudes, and how these qualities impact your daily living. 1. October 6 - the Reformers are known for being the principled, idealistic type. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness’s for they shall be satisfied. (Matthew 5:6) What do righteousness, grace, and satisfaction have in common? How do they re-form our lives? 2. November 3 - the Helpers are known as the caring, interpersonal type. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5) What do comfort, service, and generosity have in common? What does it mean to inherit the earth? 3. December 1 - the Achievers are known as the adaptable, success-oriented type. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:3)* What does being poor in spirit have to do with success? How can we achieve/experience heaven in this moment? 4. January 5 - the Individualists are known as the romantic types. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4) What is romantic about mourning? How long do we need to wait to feel comforted? Is suffering something everyone goes through or just a few? 5. February 2 - the Investigators are known as the perceptive, cerebral type. Blessed are you who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for yours is the Kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:10) Why are we persecuted for speaking truth? How does truth allow us to experience heaven in this moment? 6. March 2 - the Loyalists are known as the committed, security-oriented type. Blessed are you when men revile and persecute you on my account. Rejoice for your reward is great in heaven. (Matthew 5:11-12) What do persecution, commitment, and security mean? How does belonging and the promise of reward create a sense of security in the midst of suffering? 7. April 6 - the Enthusiasts are known as the busy, productive type. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8) What do purity, joy, and productivity have in common? What does it mean to see God? 8. May 4 - the Challengers are known as the powerful, aggressive type. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. (Matthew 5:7) What do mercy, power, and strength mean to you? How do they bring out the best in each of us and all of us? 9. June 1 - the Peacemakers are known as the easy-going, self-effacing type. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9) What does peacemaking mean to you? What does it mean to be a child of God? Type descriptions are from the QUEST: Quick Enneagram Sorting Test at enneagraminstitute ©1998 Don Richard Riso & Russ Hudson The Ministry of Encouragement is facilitated by Reba Herder, an ordained minister, credentialed public school teacher, author, and certified Riso/Hudson Enneagram instructor. For more information contact Reba at (951) 204-3547 or [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 03:53:30 +0000

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