Ministry of the Spirit, I posted this before, so please forgive me - TopicsExpress


Ministry of the Spirit, I posted this before, so please forgive me posting it again, but there is so much information about the Ruach haElohim (Spirit of God) in it, I want to repost it. I messed up on the first posting and didnt get it right. Many Christians will find much of this hard to believe, but it is true. There is no beginning, no end, and not boundaries to Elohims Spirit. It can do All, be All, and is All. There are no boundaries on It of distance, material, or time; for Elohim exists in the Eternal Now.Ministry of the Spirit: in The Live of Malkit-zedek (Melchizedek): The Ruach haElohim (Spirit of God) is absolute and the ultimate ALL. Yes, everything that exists in this and all creations are absolute in the Ruach haElohim and all in the Ruach Elohim. Every thing that you can and will see, hear, and smell, including man himself is a Manifestation of the Spirit. For before the beginning of time as we know it, there was nothing but the Spirit. Yes, there has been many Creations, just as you have been here before. Ecclesiastes 1:9 Tells us there is nothing new under the sun, nothing is that has not been before. This includes your Spirit incarnate many times, it includes creations, it includes what man calls end of times; but that is fallacy. Fore time aways has been, before this and all creations, and it always will be. After this and all creations following, time will go on. There is much to learn in Ecclesiastes, about time, creations, truths in the Spirit. Ecclesiastes 12:7, tells us the upon death, your body returns to dust from which it was made, but your Spirit returns to God from which it came. The Ancient writing tell us that It returns to the Spirit of Elohim from which it came. Every Spirit has a chore and you will return here until that chore is accomplished, that chore is better your self. Become more like Yshua (Jesus), fore he was perfect in the eyes of Elohim the Father. Fully in the Spirit. That is what you are supposed to try to obtain while in the flesh, the faster you do it, the sooner you quit having incarnations. If fail in this got to the dark side, that is when youre in trouble. So Please, in the New Year of 2015 walk in and with the Ruach haElohim. He will smile on you and your life will become much smoother and better. AMEN!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 01:11:03 +0000

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