Minnesota friends: Im driving through the beautiful snow covered - TopicsExpress


Minnesota friends: Im driving through the beautiful snow covered hills of Wisconsins cheese farms to come sing for you this weekend! All other friends: I am sending you lots of love from a small town truck stop diner in or near Elkhart Lake, in western WI (note: I have no idea where I actually am, geographically speaking, but the poster above my table is for a Sorghum Mill in Elkhart Lane and I figure that cant be too far away). I had to pull over because, for the very time ever in my almost decade-long career as a professional long-haul driver, I started getting a little motion sick while behind the wheel. It came up suddenly, and honestly made me wonder if I needed to pull over (sorry if that grosses you out - I will pursue that train of thought no further). I began to consider my food intake today, wondering if something wasnt sitting well, and I realized that I hadnt eaten much (cup of soup, Lara bar, apple. Considering the mountain of shit I give Ellis Paul for his road diet, I was definitely not fueling myself properly for a long day or driving/performing). I scanned the horizon for options and saw nothing, until I noticed a small yellow sign just above the tree line that read in red block letters FOOD. I pulled off at the exit and into said truck stop diner, the only eating establishment for miles, which boasts wood fired pizzas, a deli menu full of locally grown veggies and organic milk and cheese from the local dairies. Total. Win. Im working my way through a roast beet and chicken salad and eying the cheese case (my loved ones just got a substantial souvenir upgrade from the bags of cheese curds I was going to get them at the Milwaukee airport on my way out of town). Not sure why my stomach was upset; could have been food related, could have been caffeine withdrawal (Im on day 3 of quittin again, again), could have been that I just got to the part of Billy Crystals autobiography where he talks about 9/11 and I spent the past 20 miles gently weeping. At any rate, Im well fed, my feet are toasty and warm in my new snowboots that real Wisconsinites think are overkill but I would buy again in a heartbeat and I am feeling grateful to be able to plot my own course on the road pursuing and sharing the best music I can wrap my hands, heart and soul around. Thanks for being a part of this. xo Becca
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:19:50 +0000

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