Minority Buddhist news Bangladesh: STOP “RAPE-JEHAD” - TopicsExpress


Minority Buddhist news Bangladesh: STOP “RAPE-JEHAD” against indigenous women of CHT! We want JUSTICE for victims of “RAPE-JEHAD”: Kalpana Chakma, Tumaching Marma, Sabita Chakma...!!! We protest the ongoing series of rape and murder of indigenous women of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) by Bengali Muslim jehadis with complete impunity. “Rape-Jehad” of the Bangladesh Government, coupled with genocide, land theft, abduction, religious persecution and atrocity, against the Jumma indigenous of people of CHT started in the 1980s when she moved over 500,000 Bengali Muslims popularly called settlers from other areas of Bangladesh into CHT. Hundreds of indigenous women were subjected to this rape-jehad. The jehad continues unabated in CHT till today. Only three cases are mentioned below: (1) Kalpana Chakma (23): She was the Secretary-General of an indigenous women organization called “Hill Women Federation” and one of the leading indigenous women vocal against Bangladeshi military atrocities and “rape-jehad”. Bangladesh military targeted her and on 12 June 1996 Bangladesh military Commander Lt. Ferdos and his accomplices abducted her from her house at Lalyaghona, CHT. Subsequently, Lt. Ferdos was promoted to a higher post for this particular act of rape-jehad! Whereabouts of Kalpana Chakma are still unknown! Amnesty International recently launched a petition for justice with her. However, the Government of Bangladesh is, as usual, trying hard to stonewall the culprits involved in her abduction. The last words of Kalpana Chakma heard was: Dada, dada, mahre baja (Brother, brother save me)”, while she was being abducted. Read more at:https://facebook/notes/nikhil-chakma/kalpana-chakma-a-tragic-story-of-abduction-of-an-indigenous-woman-by-bangladeshi/130818977073466 (2) Sabita Chakma (30): She was gang raped and murdered by Bengali Muslim jehadis on 15 February 2014. Her husband named the names of the jehadis involved in this case. However, Bangladesh police refused to record their names in his FIR lodged! Various human rights and women rights and student organizations of the indigenous people have been protesting the rape across CHT and Bangladesh capital Dhaka demanding justice for her, who was survived by her lone eight-year old daughter, Sisily Chakma, and her husband. The indigenous Member of Parliament, Mr. Ushatan Talukdar, too raised her issue at the Parliament of Bangladesh yesterday and demanded immediate arrest and punishment of the accused as per law. But the accused are still moving freely in front of the administration! (3) An indigenous girl (not named for privacy reason): Amid the above turmoil, she, a class 9th standard indigenous school girl, was raped by two Bengali Muslim jehadis on 25 February 2014 at Ratiranga in Khagrachari Hill District while returning to her home from school. They were caught red-handed by indigenous villagers. They were whisked away by a group of armed jehadis while they were being handed over to police! The police have been silent and passive over the issue! While indigenous people were protesting these rape and murder cases, Bengali Muslim jehadis backed by Bangladesh military attacked the protesters first at Kamalchari in Khagrachari Hill District on 25 February 2014, in which 10 indigenous people were injured and one was killed and one Buddhist Temple, namely Chaitya Temple, was vandalized and desecrated; and again they attacked indigenous people on 26 February 2014 at Betchari Christianpara in the same District, in which seven indigenous people were injured and dozens of houses of indigenous people were demolished and looted. While indigenous people were preparing for defensive retaliatory attacks, the administration imposed curfew in these areas. Amid this curfew, it was learned that today also jahadis were carrying out some sporadic attacks in the Hill District! Some jehadis were also reportedly injured while attacking indigenous people. On the other hand, the Government of Bangladesh continues to non-comply with its obligation to the implementation of the key points of the CHT Accord of 1997, such as restoration of land right of indigenous people, demilitarization of CHT region, empowerment of the CHT Local Government as per the Accord etc. All these crimes with impunity and non-implementation of the CHT Accord lead us to BELIEVE, UNDERSTAND and SAY that the Government of Bangladesh is engineering a SILENT JEHAD in CHT, i.e. islamization of the CHT region and her indigenous people through demographic invasion and “rape-jehad”. We APPEAL the international community to ask the Government of Bangladesh to take necessary and immediate action for: 1. Stop of Bangladeshi rape-jehad against the indigenous women of CHT; 2. Security and safety of the indigenous women of CHT; 3. Bringing the accused of rape-jehad to book; 4. Demilitarization of the CHT region; and 5. Implementation of the CHT 1997 CHT Accord.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:47:38 +0000

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