Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell has DECALARED WAR - TopicsExpress


Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell has DECALARED WAR on the conservative senators .... its time for Kentucky to replace him .... my opinion. The Repub establishment leadership should understand why people have given up on the Republican Party .... many dont even vote anymore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last week, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported that U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has decided to declare war on the conservative groups that disagree with him. He is specifically targeting the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), Heritage Action, Madison Project, and FreedomWorks in a misguided attempt to destroy the Tea Party. But thats not all... McConnells operatives told the New York Times on Friday that he has ordered the Republican Party to stop doing business with private companies that provide services to SCF and to oppose candidates endorsed by SCF. Their offense? Theyre associated with us and we support Matt Bevin, McConnells conservative primary challenger. Mitch McConnell cant hurt us directly so he has instructed the party to punish our vendors and our candidates. Not only has McConnell forced his party to support bailouts, debt limit increases, tax hikes, and funding for Obamacare, hes now going to force it to abandon the free market and even the freedom of speech. Heres what his Chief of Staff, Josh Holmes, told the New York Times: “S.C.F. has been wandering around the country destroying the Republican Party like a drunk who tears up every bar they walk into. The difference this cycle is that they strolled into Mitch McConnell’s bar and he doesn’t throw you out, he locks the door.” McConnells aide was alluding to the bar fight scene in A Bronx Tale where mobsters beat up a biker gang. Hes wrong about SCF being drunks, but he got the description of his boss right when he compared him to a mobster. Mitch McConnell cant defend his record so hes using threats to intimidate those who disagree with him. Conservative blogger Dan Riehl described it this way: Yet, here we see a DC GOP establishment on display at its worst. In effect saying -- If you engage in a form of commerce we don’t like, we will try to destroy you! If you attempt to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech to say something with which we disagree, we will try to destroy you? Unfortunately, this is how Mitch McConnell operates. He doesnt lead. He doesnt inspire. He just intimidates. He cant beat Matt Bevin in a debate on the issues so hes smearing him and threatening everyone who supports him. Fight Back ~ Support Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate WAR ON CONSERVATIVES For many of you, Mitch McConnells hostility toward conservatives is not news. But this the first time he has been open about it. In the past, he only attacked conservatives in private meetings or through disconnected surrogates. Now, hes admitting something that hes tried to keep quiet for years: he doesnt like conservatives. You see, Mitch McConnell is a Democratic dealmaker and he doesnt like conservatives getting in his way. Its why he has lashed out and called conservatives fringe, traitors, ... and now drunks. Erick Erickson at RedState described how McConnells war on conservatives is hurting people in Kentucky and across the nation: It’s all the sadder still in that McConnell worked against Ted Cruz’s effort to defund Obamacare. 280,000 Kentuckians are losing their insurance. But McConnell would rather drive a private enterprise out of business than fight for those Kentuckians losing their health insurance. If only McConnell had put as much energy into stopping Obamacare as he has stopping a business that does work with the Senate Conservatives Fund. McConnell says conservatives hurt the Republican Party, but what truly hurts the party is a leader who doesnt listen to or even like his own voters. What hurts the party is a leader who refuses to stand up for conservative principles and helps the Democrats enact their liberal agenda. What hurts the party is an incumbent who ignores his unpopularity at home and selfishly chooses to run for another term rather than retiring and helping the party hold his seat and save money to win others. Take Action ~ Retire Mitch McConnell WE WONT BACK DOWN The Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization driven by freedom-loving Americans across the country. Were not controlled by special interests in Washington, were not controlled by a small group of big donors in New York City, and were not controlled by the Republican Party. We listen to the grassroots and do everything we can to help them bring about real change in Washington. Before we endorsed Matt Bevin in Kentucky, we polled our members to get their views. Out of 70,000 ballots cast, 98% disapproved of Mitch McConnells record. On the question of whether we should endorse Matt Bevin, 90% said we should while 8% were undecided and only 2% opposed. We listened to the grassroots and answered the call to help Matt Bevin win this important Senate race. Now, were in a bar fight with a bully. He has locked the door and hes trying to kill us. We arent intimidated. Sure, the odds arent in our favor. Matt Bevin is an underdog. He doesnt have McConnells money or his power. But he has you, and the support of thousands of others like you, and thats more than enough to win. The grassroots in Kentucky are rising up and need our help. Heres what the United Kentucky Tea Party said over the weekend: We have the next U.S. Senator from Kentucky in Matt Bevin and we intend to roll out a grassroots campaign in Kentucky -- the likes of which Mitch McConnell has never faced. Kentucky will lead the way in this national fight against out-of-control big government Republicans. This is a historical moment in the future of America. Will we continue to be a government ‘Of, by and for the People?’ If so, average Americans must engage in the fight.” Will you join the fight? Will you help us defend liberty? Will you do it for your kids and grandkids and for generations to come? Will you help us elect true conservative leaders like Matt Bevin, even if it means standing up to powerful bullies like Mitch McConnell? We can win if we all work together. The most powerful thing you can do to help is make a donation to Matt Bevins U.S. Senate campaign. If everyone receiving this email gives something -- even just $5 -- we can collectively raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for him. If you cant donate, please spread the word by forwarding this email to your family and friends and by following Matt Bevin on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for your support and your willingness to fight for freedom. Best regards, Matt Hoskins Executive Director Senate Conservatives Fund
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 06:10:04 +0000

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