Minster of MHRD & Chairman , Kendriya Vidyalaya - TopicsExpress


Minster of MHRD & Chairman , Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan. Shastri Bhawan New Delhi Sub: Grant of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP) to Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers and request for your kind intervention -reg. Sir, May I submit a burning issue of Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers of this country as they are discriminated by the department and the Ministry in implementing the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP), whereas the sixth pay commission’s recommendation was implemented to Central government employees / Central autonomous employees/ teachers of NCT Delhi, Union territories like Andaman, Puducherry etc. and the Non-teaching staff and Group A officers of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. The Ministry of HRD denied these three financial up-gradations of the pay under the pretext that teachers of KVS have senior scale and selection scale. In the existing three tier pay system of KV teachers, they get only two financial up-gradations after the completion of 12 years of continuous service in each grade with additional riders like requirement of higher qualification and undergoing of 21 days in-service course subjected to 20% of the Sr.scale Teachers. In MACP scheme the central govt employees will get three financial up gradations after the completion of 10, 20, 30 years of continuous service. In nut shell, KV teachers are getting 2 financial up gradation with some riders after 12 years of continuous service whereas other Central government employees may get 3 financial up gradations. The KV teachers are immensely demoralised by the obvious discrimination as the benefit of MACP scheme was implemented to the Non teaching staff of KVS and Group A officers of KVS in 2010-11. KVS Board of governors have already approved the proposal for grant of MACP to the teaching staff and the Ministry of HRD has also approved the proposal and submitted to the Ministry of finance for their concurrence. But the Finance ministry turned down the proposal with an unjustified and unfortunate ruling that MACP can be given only to those who were getting ACP scheme ,that is only for denying it to teachers. Even some KV teachers approached the Hon. CAT New Delhi against the discrimination .Considering the appeal of teachers sympathetically Hon.CAT has already directed on 21st July 2013 to waive the additional riders for granting selection scale (20%) after 24 years of service and to implement the MACP scheme to them after 30 years of service. It is surprising to state that KVS administration obtained a stay order from the Hon. High Court of Delhi against the decision of the CAT. It shows that the department doesn’t want to give the benefit of sixth pay commission to its teachers. The Central government has already announced the seventh pay commission to its employees whereas the KV teachers were denied the benefit of sixth pay commission and still knocking at different door steps. I, therefore request you to kindly intervene and to issue necessary directions to the authorities to implement MACP scheme to KV teachers by granting one time waiver of non implementation of ACP scheme to KV teachers. Sir, we shall be thankful to you for ever for your benevolent ,sympathetic consideration and concern for KV teachers. Thanking you Baburajan K, Vijeyesh Pande President, Gen, Seretary AIKVTA & Member , JCM,KVS AIKVTA &Leader,JCM.KVS
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:55:10 +0000

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