Mint and benefits — — — — — — — — — — — — - TopicsExpress


Mint and benefits — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ♥ of mint several benefits that could benefit the human body we must therefore be careful to eat constantly. The main components of the Mint: Mint oil (1.5%) With menthol (Menthol) walmnthon, flavoniat (lotiolin, mantosid), phenolic acids, trios turbine. As for the benefits of mint, including: 1. Mint a tonic for the heart and circulation if the drink as a tea regularly and laxative for the stomach and intestines and chew relieves pain and eliminates odors. 2. to eliminate acidity drink boiled Cup of mint without sugar added. 3. extract mint leaves extract proved useful in calming the nervous system and pest of the stomach and the digestive system and reduce flickering and general weakness and expel worms from the intestines and relieve colic. 4. Peppermint relaxes the bowel and liver and pancreas work strengthens and calms cough refractory and calms the nerves and anger is the Remover of insomnia and diuretic and good food digester. 5. set the Mint works to ease intestinal spasms and helps digestive intestinal juices secretion, so it is taken after meals to help digestion. 6. Mint is installing some ointments used to treat medical diseases and help relieve foot pain when placed in hot water by immersion of feet. 7. proven that Mint certainly Assistant expand the Airways in case of colds so it is advisable to use it in the treatment of acute cold by placing leaves in hot water and drink it as a tea or added to tea leaves. 8. for the benefit of mint tea during, as do not boil the leaves but it is mustahabb to pour boiling water on paper Mint, add some sugar and then leave it for a minute before drinking it. (Translated by Bing)
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 11:25:14 +0000

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