Minute 1: I have chosen to leave my apartment on a short - TopicsExpress


Minute 1: I have chosen to leave my apartment on a short expedition for food and a new ethernet cable. Temperatures are low and morale is high. Will update as journey progresses. Minute 3: I have reached my car. The wind remains bitter cold and the promised warmth of my vehicle is shattered the moment my butt hits the frigid seat. My only hope is that my heater will not fail me until I can acquire warm nourishment. Minute 5: Foodstuffs and beverage have been gathered. The car has also begun to release sufficient heat to keep the cold at bay. My trip may in fact be safe and without peril after all. Minute 7: I was wrong. My Spotify, my sole companion on this voyage into the frigid known, seems to have succumb to insanity. In the middle of what was supposed to be a metal playlist, a random Katy Perry song somehow found its way in. This is a dark omen of things to come I fear. Minute 10: I have at last arrived at the Radio Shack. I must now brave the elements once more for a harsh and brutal 5 to 6 feet in order to acquire the cable I set out to find. I pray that the dark omen from before was little more than a hiccup in the grand scheme of things. Minute 11: The archaic brick and mortar merchant of digital wares has clearly gone insane in these most icy of days. Charging upwards of 40 dollars for a 50ft ethernet cable? Madness I tell you! Itll be an even colder day in hell before I pay those kinds of prices. My search continues. I now fear the musical omen was a sign of terrible things to come. Minute 15: It would seem that the extreme temperatures are having a dulling effect on those around me. I ventured once more into the wilds and found brief refuge inside Walmart. Sadly, not even this shelter of low prices can save the minds of those gripped by the cold. I asked one of the clerks where I might find an ethernet cable. He looked at me with a perplexed expression. I elaborated that I was talking about a cable to run from my modem to my desktop, but he remained puzzled, as if I were speaking in tongues. He insisted they had no such cord. As I turned to leave the store, I spied out of the corner of my eye the artifact in question, no less than 3 feet away from the clerk. Clearly the chilly conditions have begun to revert others to ice age-like tendencies and levels of perception. I hope that I will not succumb to such maladies. Only time will tell. Minute 20: My Spotifys condition seems to have worsened. My playlist seems to be infiltrated by more and more Katy Perry. I fear that I too will succumb to similar degrees of madness... Minute 25: I have returned to my domicile. Wrapped in the warmth of my Tardis blanket and a warm cup of green tea in hand, I have decided to pray to the gods of the Amazon for the cable which I seek. Im afraid theres no helping my Spotify. Its too far gone now. How many more victims will this damnable weather claim? Minute 30: I have made my request to the great Amazon. While I have found the object I seek at a cheaper price, I must now wait 5 to 10 working days before it arrives. I have survived the cold, but can I survive the less than ideal internet connection quality? Only time will tell my friends.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 15:47:36 +0000

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