Minutes of Cycling Munster AGM 2013 Tuesday, 01-October-2013, - TopicsExpress


Minutes of Cycling Munster AGM 2013 Tuesday, 01-October-2013, Charleville Park Hotel, Charleville. In attendance: Rory Wyley President, Cycling Ireland. The board of Cycling Munster : Dan Curtin President Kevin Hayes Secretary Kevin O’Callaghan Treasurer Tom Shanahan Board Member (Calendar coordinator) Brian Jordan Board Member (Commissaire coordinator) Vincent O Connor Board Member Pat Lyons Rep (Leisure coordinator) Clubs represented Killorglin CC Youghal CC Fermoy CC Kerry Crusaders CC Kanturk CC Currow CC Visit Nenagh Limerick CC Ballymore CC Coachford CC Finuge Freewheelers CC Iverk Produce Carrick Wheelers CC Team Ballyhoura Total Attendance: 20 14 clubs were represented at the meeting. This satisfied the quorum requirement. Kevin Hayes (KH) opened the meeting by welcoming all clubs to the AGM. KH then presented the agenda for the meeting. Item 1 KH said that the minutes of the 2012 AGM were sent to all Clubs & were available on the CI web site. The 2012 minutes were proposed by Michael Concannon, (Killorglin CC) and seconded by George Lynch, (Coachford CC) Item 2 The following reports were read out at the meeting. Presidents Address. Dan Curtin Commissaire’s report Brian Jordan Leisure Report Pat Lyons Youth Report Dan Curtin These reports are available if requested. John Breen (Currow CC) commented on the success with the results of the Munster Youth & Junior riders for the season. Item 3 To consider the financial statement and accounts for 2012/2013 Kevin O’Callaghan presented the financial statement on screen to all members. Kevin talked through the expenditure and income for the season. Kevin explained to the meeting of the over spend on the Junior budget. He said that this was due to four teams of riders from Munster that took part in the Junior tour of Ireland in July. This demand from junior riders had to be supported by the Board of Cycling Munster. A discussion took place from the members on the floor on this spend. The floor agreed that the results & success of the Munster teams during the race was a great return on the money that was used to support the riders. Dan Curtin explained that the Board did not fund all the money for this race & that each rider that rode the race had to pay their own fee. The 2012 treasurer’s report. Proposed by John Breen (Currow CC) Seconded by Sean Lawlor (Youghal CC) Item 4 Election of the Board KH told the meeting that the positions that have come to the end of their two year terms were. Board President: currently held by Mr. Dan Curtin Board Member: currently held by Mr. Vincent O Connor Nominations were received for these positions from Coachford CC. KH also told the meeting that the following two positions on the board needed to be filled as these were currently only Co-opted in the first year of their term. It was explained that Tom Shanahan had stepped down as Secretary in January & that Kieran Twohig had also stepped down as Treasurer in January. The meeting was told that Tom Shanahan was going to stay on the Board as Calendar coordinator. KH said that this had now become a very important position on the Board due to the level of events happening in Munster. He also said that this position along with been Secretary was very difficult. A second board position was also up for election as the position also was Co-opted in its second year. Secretary: Currently Co-opted by Mr. Kevin Hayes Treasurer: Currently Co-opted by Mr. Kevin O’Callaghan Board Member: Currently Co-opted by Mr. Jamie O’Donoghue ( 2nd year of term) No nominations were received for these positions. A motion from George Lynch (Coachford CC) that the following positions be retained by the current board members. Board President: Mr. Dan Curtin Board Member: Mr. Vincent O Connor Secretary: Mr. Kevin Hayes Treasurer: Mr. Kevin O’Callaghan A vote was taken. Proposed by George Lynch (Coachford CC) Seconded by Helen Hayes (Ballymore CC) The position for the second Board member was opened to the floor. Brian Jordan proposed John Breen (Currow CC) Seconded by Michael Concannon Item 5 Principles of 2014 budget. KH presented the principles of 2014 budget, on screen. It was explained that the strategy being used by the board is to lean the funding towards the youth and Junior categories for next year again. The planned allocation was discussed and was accepted by the members. The provincial fee was also discussed & is to remain at €130. The principles of the 2014 budget was proposed by John Breen Seconded by: Rory Wyley A question came from the members of Team Ballyhoura on how the Munster budget is arrived at. It was explained by KO’C that the Board work of a base figure of 10k as it could be later in the year that CI issue the final funding. They also asked on how clubs make a request for funding for 2014. KH explained that the Board has criteria for the allocation & draw down of monies. He said that an email will be sent to all clubs requesting them to make an application but this will not be issued until January or February of 2014. Item 5. To transact special business The following topics were discussed by The Board of Cycling Munster to the AGM. KH explained that there was an unwelcome element creeping in to the sport & this is one event that happened during the year. Ras Luimni Cycle race on the 10th March in Caherconlish “After the A4 & A3 races had finished, the A1/A2 race was still in progress. Riders from the A4 & A3 were returning to the race HQ when some riders violated the rules of the road and almost caused an accident. When they were reprimanded by a Ban Garda one individual verbally abused her and cycled on. The Board is disgusted by this incident that has tarnished an otherwise well run event by Limerick Cycling Club. Communication & discussions between the Board of Cycling Munster and An Garda Síochána to resolve this issue had to take place. An Garda Síochána want all cycling clubs to be informed that this is not acceptable behaviour to any of their members of the Gardaí. The Board is fully behind this request from An Garda Síochána.” Organizing of Events by Clubs The Board wants all Munster Clubs to be fully aware of their responsibility when organizing & running events. All clubs looking to run an event must apply & be approved by Cycling Munster before the event can take place. Cycling Ireland registered Clubs must follow the procedure on the organizing & the running of events set down by CI. Clubs that do not follow the guide lines are operating outside of the CI procedures. Item 6 AOB The meeting was opened to the floor where a discussion on the cost of running races, Commissaire fee’s & prize money costs. Michael Concannon Said that coming from been a race Commissaire & a race organizer he felt that costs were expensive when organizing races. He also said that the cost of having an Ambulance at the event was a large cost on a Clubs resources. He said that they would like to run an A4 race next season but might not be able to do so because of these extra costs & sign on from the race would not cover this. He asked would it be possible to get some kind of a deal with an Ambulance company as it could help reduce cost for all Clubs. Brian Jordan Addressed the meeting & said that Munster had its own fee structure, he gave a break down on the costs to all clubs, when they had a Commissaire using their own car or if a car is provided. Brian also gave the costs of Commissaires working within & outside their county. Brian also went on to say that most races now have three Commissaires assigned to an event. He closed by saying that Commissaires are making very little for the fee charged when you consider the length of the day they put in sometimes an early start & completing a report for CI in the evening. Brian said that Commissaires do the job for the love of the sport & not a financial reward. Rory Wyley Said they CI had a list of costs on Commissaire fees. George Lynch Explained that it is very difficult for Clubs to make money from races with the costs of prizes for the three senior races. He said that he would need a field of around 200 riders to make any money. George also asked is there guide line on sign on fees & Prize money to be awarded. Rene Van Dam Told the meeting that the UCI have a set of guide lines on prize allocation. Cathal Mc Carthy (Ballymore CC) Noted that the topic on the cost of Commissaire fee was very small on the overall cost on running a race. He said that he would welcome guidelines on sign on fees. He agreed with Brian Jordan that Commissaires hardly cover their costs from the fees they receive. He also wanted to acknowledge the work that a Commissaire does on the day & feels they earn their fee. Rory Wyley Said that the suggestion to look at prize & sign on fees was brought to CI attention. He said they did look at it but it would be very difficult to enforce. Dan Curtin Asked the meeting that the Commissaire fees in Munster remain the same as 2013. Proposed by Anthony Kenneally (Youghal CC) Seconded by Sean Lawlor (Youghal CC) Tom Shanahan Suggested that topics discussed on prizes & sign on costs be looked at by the Board. KH said this is duly noted to be discussed at a Board meeting in the near future. Jonny Joy (Finuge Freewheelers CC) Wanted it noted, on the topic of Ambulance support at races he would feel that this service should be backed up by First Responders. George Lynch Suggested that all events should have a Paramedic used as back up to the Ambulance service. Rene Van Dam Asked the Board when will the allocation of race dates be released as his event will be affected next year with Easter been late. He said that getting the date early was very important due to the work that goes into the event & the festival that runs around the race. He said that they would also be running the team time trial next year. Tom Shanahan Told the meeting that 85/90% of the calendar is completed for 2014 season. Jonny Joy Asked when events on the leisure calendar are been considered could there be a large distance between each event or could it be the case that only one event takes place in the same County on the same day. Rory Wyley Felt that long running events with established date need to be maintained. Jonny Joy Proposed that events with established date should be maintained & also said that he would like to see a criteria on the awarding of dates. KH said this is duly noted & Board will meet on this matter. Michael Concannon Wanted to bring the Boards attention to a UCI elite event will take place in Ballyhoura next season & asked if the Board would be helping support this. The Team Ballyhoura members at the meeting explained that they have not been approached by the UCI yet on this event. A general discussion took place around the whole area of the online CI race pre-entry system. It was discussed that this will not happen in 2014 & the meeting moved on. A general discussion took place around the area of on line license registration to CI. It was asked that licenses were granted without a Club Secretary approving the application. It was noted that people were able to get a Club license but may not have paid their membership fee to their club. Rory explained that there is a 72 hour default in the system that the Club Secretary needs to change so that all requests can go through them. A discussion took place from people on how best to promote youth in Munster. It was discussed by various people what they are doing in their area to promote youth in the sport. Dan Curtin Told the meeting that he was looking to setting up a Youth Academy in Munster. He would hope to get this going in a Months time. Dan explained that the first thing would be in getting youths together but this would be without bikes. He said that they could meet to see what would be expected from each of them but also on what the rider would expect from the Academy. He said he would like to see pockets in areas where youth could be developed. Rory Wyley Said he would like to thank the Board for their work over the past 12 months. There were no other items raised. Dan Curtin thanked the members for attending and closed the meeting.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:00:52 +0000

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