Mira Pantazopol Iordanescu : .Now, the SATRAP from ASPA Bucharest - TopicsExpress


Mira Pantazopol Iordanescu : .Now, the SATRAP from ASPA Bucharest ( the agency which is supposed to also PROTECT nimals ) the SATRAP Razvan Bancescu has decided, yes, because he MAKES THE LAW in Bucharest, under the blessing eye of ANSVSA...which does not give a dime on its own laws and norms...so, the SATRAP decided to send his gangs of dog catchers, to catch dogs even AT NIGHT>..now what ????? being dark they can easily eneter even in people yards to take their dogs...right ??????? Translation below The private firsm contracted to pick up stray dogs in Bucharest, will start doing so at night too. They will collect dogs in more emote neighborhoods, in order not to disturb the people down town. Răzvan Băncescu, the project coordinator from ASPA , said that some of the crews contracted to capture dogs will work at night too. They will go mostly in parcs and industrial zones, because we can not disturb the people, DOgs bark , yelp.. In the present in Bucharest there are 15 dog catching crews, 3 belongs to ASPSA, and the other 12 are private firms contracted by the City Hall. The same ( NOTORIOUS SATRAP - my comment ) Bancescu said that the ASPA dog catchers will not work at night, abd that the other ones will start working at night when the weather will be warmer. 1,000 more empty spaced in the new shelter. Razvan Bancescu announced that until now, no dog has been euthanised ( YEA sure, as if anybody believes what you say, anymore....my comment ) and the number of spaces has been supplemented with 1,600 with te newly created shelter in Bragadiru. Now we have empy 1,000 spaces. Euthanasia will begin when all the shelters will be full. People have startedto adopt, again, when they learned that the norm allow the euthanasia mentioned Bancescu. ASPA estimates that last September there were about 65,000 stray dogs in Bucharest. Since then they managed to capture about 8,000. ro.stiri.yahoo/hingherii-încep-să-adune-maidanezii-din-bucureşti-noaptea-182134599.html JUST A THOUGHT of mine....this satrap, send out on the streets, at least 5 crews ( 5 vans x2 people, or 3 = 15-20 people...) there was a situation when there were 3 vans for ONE DOG....now, I wonder if these three crews did not put on paper , each of them the SAME DOG, as capture....this would multiply the 219 lei/dog, by three...hence the City HAll would have to pay, each crew for the same dog....and I wonder if this is not how they calculate in order to get to the number of 65,000 eventually...but HEY...they keep on capturing, whil dogs keep of being dumped ( puppies everywhere )...so this NUMER will never dimish...They will be busy making money for YEARS to come...
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 21:08:33 +0000

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