Miracle Testimony of a church we attended on Sunday - the pastor - TopicsExpress


Miracle Testimony of a church we attended on Sunday - the pastor prayed for a lady on Saturday PRAISE REPORT: Prayed for a woman at Westmead hospital on Saturday who had an infection in her bones and gangrene in her left leg caused by diabetes! Because of poor circulation, she couldn’t move her leg the entire time she was in hospital! She was scheduled to have her leg amputated yesterday! As I prayed with my parents and the woman’s sister, the POWER of God FILLED the room and the FIRE of God FELL on the woman! I broke generational curses, cast out demons, especially the Jezebel spirit and the spirit of Ba’al! Severed soul ties, prayed for inner healing and the healing of memories! There were POWERFUL manifestations of the Holy Spirit! Just as we were finishing, a nurse came in to change the dressing on her leg! The woman wanted me to see it so I stayed! The nurse took the bandage off and there was a huge hole in her foot where the gangrene had eaten away her flesh! You could see the muscles right through to the bone! The Holy Spirit touched me and I said to the woman in front of the nurse, “The Lord has healed you! Move your leg!” The woman replied, “But I can’t!” I replied, “You can now! Do it!” And SUDDENLY she began to move her leg! She was moving her foot and her individual toes! You could see the muscles and bones moving through the hole in her foot! Her sister then ran her finger up and down the sole of her foot, poked her toes and asked, “Can you feel that?” Amazed, her sister replied, “Yes I can!” I asked the woman, “Did you have feeling in your leg and could you move it before?” With great excitement she replied, “No! But I can now!” I said to the woman in front of the nurse, “You are healed and do not need to have your leg amputated! Cancel the operation NOW! If you go ahead with it, you will lose your leg for no reason because you are going to have fresh tests and they will show everything is clear!” The nurse began discussing with the woman how she can have the operation cancelled! Despite this, the doctors and the woman’s family argued that she still had to have her leg amputated! I said to the family, “DO NOT let the doctors take her leg because she will lose it for nothing!” “Get them to conduct some fresh tests and they will find she is completely well!” The Lord even had a man and his family in the hospital bed across the room from her who didn’t even know us confirm what I said by telling her, “This man is right, do not let the doctors amputate your leg!” Today we heard back from the family! Another doctor, who ended up being a Christian, came in and conducted some fresh blood tests! They came back CLEAR! The operation was CANCELLED! The woman kept her leg and is now out of bed and walking normally! THANK YOU JESUS! WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE! Jesus is real and HE LOVES you! If you do not know Him, Its time to give your life to Him and be born again! If you know Him but have backslidden, it’s time to turn back to Him! DO NOT WAIT! DO IT TODAY! TIME IS SHORT! HE IS RETURNING SOON!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:48:45 +0000

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