Miracle in Egypt - Buried Children Saved By Jesus A Muslim man - TopicsExpress


Miracle in Egypt - Buried Children Saved By Jesus A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife and then buried her with their infant baby and 8-year old daughter. The girls? were buried alive! He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids. 15 days later, another family member died. When they went to bury him, they found the 2 little girls under the sand - ALIVE! The country is outraged over the incident, and the man will be executed. The older girl was asked how she had survived. A man wearing shiny white clothes, with bleeding wounds in his hands, came every day to feed us. He woke up my mom so she could nurse my sister, she said. She was interviewed on Egyptian national TV, by a veiled Muslim woman news anchor. She said on public TV, This was none other than Jesus, because nobody else does things like this! Muslims believe Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the wounds mean He really was crucified, and its clear also that He is alive! But, its also clear that the child could not make up a story like this, and there is no way these children could have survived without a true miracle. Muslim leaders are going to have a hard time to figure out what? to do with this, and the popularity of the movie Passion doesnt help! With Egypt at the centre of the media and education in the Middle East, you can be sure this story will spread. Christ is still turning the world upside down! Please let this story be shared. The Lord says, I will bless the person who puts his trust in me. Jeremiah 17:7. Detailed Analysis This widely circulated email relates the story of two little Egyptian girls who survived 15 days buried alive due to the intervention of a supernatural saviour with white clothes and bleeding hands who is later identified by rescuers as none other than Jesus Himself. There is no credible evidence whatsoever to support an email story claiming that two young girls survived for fifteen days buried alive because Jesus visited them in the grave every day and fed them. As well as circulating via email, the piece has also been posted to innumerable religious forums and blogs where it has generated substantial and often heated debate. According to the story, a Muslim man in Egypt murdered his wife and then buried her along with his still living daughters, one 8 years old, the other still an infant. However, Jesus came to the children every day, feeding the eight year old and waking the dead mother so that she could nurse the baby. It was not until the children were discovered alive and rescued from their premature grave 15 days after being buried that the miraculous experience came to be told. Or so this wildly fanciful tale would have us believe. Not surprisingly, there is not a single shred of evidence to support the story. I could find no credible news reports about such a miraculous rescue, nor any information about an Egyptian man who murdered his wife and buried his children alive. Naturally, if true, such an amazing event would have certainly garnered a great deal of media attention, not only in Egypt, but around the world. And a miracle like the one described would also have been thoroughly investigated by both Muslim and Christian organizations. The total absence of any credible confirmation of the story along with the absurdity of the claims mean that the story is surely a work of pure fiction. Even if entirely fictional, religious parables have their place and can serve to strengthen the faith of believers and effectively illustrate a particular worldview. However, rather than being a parable designed to reinforce a Christian ideal, this particular piece of nonsense seems more intent on denigrating and undermining the Muslim faith. In a world troubled by faith-based violence and misunderstanding, false stories such as this can only add to existing divisions and circulating them will serve no good purpose.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:17:20 +0000

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