‘Mirwaiz should participatein elections’ : Dr. Karan - TopicsExpress


‘Mirwaiz should participatein elections’ : Dr. Karan Singh ‘Hurriyat should hold dialogue with GoI’: Advising Mirwaiz led Hurriyat Conferenceto participate in General Assembly Elections, former Sadr-i-Riyasat, Dr Karan Singh Thursday said that India will never say ‘no’ if the separatist leaders of Kashmir will unconditionally come on table. “Let they (Hurriyat leaders) visitDelhi like Naga’s and have dialogue on Kashmir. India believes that only dialogue with Hurriyat and Pakistan can give positive results. We must give credit to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh who put all efforts in normalizing the relations with Pakistan,” Dr Karan Singh told Srinagar based news gathering agency CNS in an interview adding thatelection boycott deprives people from the right to form good government. He said Hurriyat leaders especially young Mirwaiz should start unconditional dialogue with the Government of India. “There is nothing wrong in dialogue. Hurriyat will lose nothing if they will come across the table. Government of India has vehemently reciprocated the positive signal of new Prime Minister of Pakistan. The good relations between the two countries are in the interest of people of Jammu and Kashmir as smooth relations will pave for the way in solving the Kashmir issue. Reacting to a question, Dr Singhsaid that Autonomy or Self Rulewill be applicable only if these formulae satisfy the interests of people from all the three regions. “I have developed my own formula which I will make public at suitable time,” he saidadding that the state is not only Kashmir but it has two more divisions. Dr Karan Singh lamented that people of Kashmir support boycott call and don’t cast vote.“It can’t go both ways. People after boycotting elections complain about mis-governance. How can the choicest government of the people could be formed when the same people do not come out from their houses to cast votes,” he said. While replying to a question, DrKaran Singh said that Ghulam Nabi Azad has the capability to lead the state from the front. “PDP-Cong Coalition ran the state of affairs smoothly and Azad did a marvelous job in eradication corruption and other malpractices. It will be premature to say that Azad willbe the next Chief Minister of the State, however, he has the caliber and charisma and could lay a net of development. On Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Dr Singh said that it is a controversial issue. “It is the job of local police and administration to prepare a detailed report and inform the Central Government about the magnitude of threat perception if ever that existed. Government of India has not imposed AFSPA for fun but there might be some logic behind it,” he said adding that he will surely give his assessment about the situation to UPA Chairperson as he has his own analysis. He said that Jammu and Kashmir was never a State but it was during Dogra rule that five regions were joined together and the shape of Sate was given to Jammu and Kashmir. “Kashmir has its own history, culture and tradition while the Dogra’s left no stone unturned in enriching it during their 101 years of reign. Former Sadr-i-Riyasat while recounting his memories said that Late Shiekh Mohammad Abdullah was intensely anti-Dogra, however he gave Kashmiri people a space and relieved them from their miseries. “I don’t care whether people will agree with me or not but it is a fact that Shiekh Mohammad Abdullah was a towering personality who raised the standard of living of Kashmiri people. People criticize him because he acceded to India but he had no other option. Shiekh did what situation demanded,” Singh said adding there was a time when Shiekh utilized all his resources to pave way for my defeat in Parliamentary Elections, “however, he did not succeed.” He confirmed that Dr Karan Singh expressed anguish over the plight of Dal Lake and said during his Regency, the Dal was spread over 27 Square Kilometers but now it has shrunk to 11 Sqare kilometers and it has got so much polluted and lot of illegal structures have come up in and around this world famed Lake. He lamented that despite gifting one thousand kanals of land to Kashmir University, the University Authorities never bothered to erect a signboard expressing gratitude to him.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:30:13 +0000

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