MisANNformed Coulter has made just about every soccer player in - TopicsExpress


MisANNformed Coulter has made just about every soccer player in the nation hate her even more with this one. No accountability in soccer? You are accountable for 10 other people on the field, your coach, and however many are on the bench, as well as the sidelines cheering you on. They all count on you to not only work with them, but for them out of solidarity and respect, a shared love of a beautiful game. Not to mention a shared understanding of hour hard it is training, breaking your body as you push it to be in optimum shape to RUN FOR 6-8 MILES A GAME. Youre accountable for yourself, making sure you hydrate properly, work out ten times harder than your competition, on and off the field, and treating your body right by hydrating and fueling it properly. No self-esteem bruised? You dont know the agony of being defeated in the final minutes of a game, or being megged by your sworn enemy. You dont know the defeat of missing that pk youve spent hours working toward getting in the back of the net. Cant use your hands in soccer? We use them for everything else. Our feet, not so much. Try having the precision to shoot a ball with perfect accuracy, bending it, doing cross-overs, step-overs, Maradonas, etc. ALL WHILE RUNNING, seeing a play in your head and anticipating what your opponent will do before they do it, communicating, trying to push a player whos more or less trying to hurt you off of both you and the ball, and matriculating down a field. It takes incredible amounts of thought and multitasking to be a soccer player. Yes, its co-ed... but not at the competitive elite levels, not at the levels that get you into college. Its quite clear you have no clue what youre talking about, Ann. And I would gladly come out of my injured retirement to peg you in the face with a soccer ball, at least 15 times. Educate yourself on the game before you go spouting off about how its the decay of American morals. Because YOU, my dear, are doing far better of a job decaying those (among other things) than this magnificent feat of human talent could ever, and will never do.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:00:27 +0000

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