Misconception of Noah s prayer - peace be upon him - to his people - TopicsExpress


Misconception of Noah s prayer - peace be upon him - to his people doom ( * ) Guaranteed compromised : Claim some Almtohmin that Noah - peace be upon him - made a mistake when he called on his people doom , including their children , as in the words of the Almighty : ) and Noah said Lord Leave not on the ground of the disbelievers (26) that if you Tdhirhm deceive slaves nor يلدوا only Vajra infidels (27 () ( Noah) . arguing that - peace be upon him - called on his people doom , including children who do not fault them, and ask: How should the offspring doom with the potential to generate some of them believe in God ? ! they claim that forgiveness for himself after pray for them doom in the words of the Almighty : ) Lord, forgive me and my parents and who enters my house believing and the believers , men and women no increase oppressors but تبارا (28) ( (Noah) , and that he apologized to the Day of Judgment for intercession this invitation which he called out to his people . and ask: is not this inconsistent with what Characterized by the prophets of infallibility ? ! And faces revocation compromised : 1) Noah s prayer - peace be upon him - to his people doom came after the God revealed to him that he would only believe in them may be safe . 2 ) loss was a mercy to the children before they were to hold the pen especially that God revealed to Noah that no one will believe only believed in , and was : reproductive prevented by the flood Forty years ; did not have children on the flood . 3 ) apology Noah - peace be upon him - the Day of Judgment for intercession , and even an apology all the prophets - peace be upon them - not to have committed errors , but the intensity of the horrors of the Resurrection occurred to them. Detail: First. Doaa Noah - peace be upon him - to his people doom came after the God revealed to him that he would only believe in them may be safe : He said the Almighty : ) and revealed to Noah that he would not believe from your people only have a safe ( ( Hud: 36) , after nine hundred and fifty years of the establishment of Noah - peace be upon him - among his people call them did not see them , but ears deaf , and hearts uncircumcised , and minds fossilized , it was them most of the rock , and their hearts harder than iron , did not benefit them advice or a reminder, not Azjarham and holiday or warning , and the greater their advice on increasing stubbornness , and as mentioned in God increased astray and corrupt, and remained in the path of delusion سائرين , do not turn to call Noah - peace be upon him - not indifferent بتحذيره and warned , [1]. has remained in them calling , reminding counseled , and were calling them day and night , and secretly and openly , and with all this did not loosened their hearts, but they met charity abuse , kindness severity and tended beat him and harm , which is No keeps saying : O Allah, forgive nationalist they do not know . He says: ) said, Lord, I called a national day and night (5 ) did not Yazdhm propaganda , but Ferrara (6) I am whenever invited to forgive them, they made their fingers in their ears and Astgshawa their robes, and they insisted and scorn استكبارا (7 ), then I invite them vocally (8) Then I announced to them and أسررت them secretly (9 ) I said forgiveness Lord he was غفارا ( 10) ( (Noah) [2]. Roy commentators : that Noah - peace be upon him - was coming his people ; Vidaohm to God, Vigtmon him and beat him severely beaten [3] and Ikhnqouna so faint it and then Elfonh in the mat and throw him in the way, and they say : It will die after this day, فيعيد God - the Almighty - the strength is attributable to them and invite them to God فيفعلون him like that , and so the hurt and punish it with that Saber is not calling on his people tortured ; , but had hoped for them or their childrens goodness and righteousness, and says: Perhaps God out of the solidity of responding to my call and believe in God However, with such a long time did not believe in him only a few of them , and it was as extinct generation came from after generation the most insidious and curse , have they recommend their children not to believe him , and the father says to his son when he reached the mind: my son, be careful it does not deceive you about your religion and gods . He said the Almighty : ) and revealed to Noah that he would not believe from your people only have safe not disheartened as they were doing (36) ( (HUD) , so called them after they despaired of their faith , he said: ) Inc. The Tdhirhm deceive slaves nor يلدوا only Vajra infidels (27) ( (Noah) . was then the flood . [4] II. Perdition was a mercy to the children : As they say : What is the guilt of their children to perish ? As if compassion has inflamed the hearts of those المبطلين toward young children who do not fault [5] them as committed parents criminals , as if they were nicer than Gods slaves and merciful to them from their Creator , but it is tenderness false and compassion imagined , God Almighty have mercy towards His slaves from birth her child , and he tortures another man Boozer , as well as an innocent child . Have shown the year that everyone will be a matter of what Matt him according to his purpose and intention though uncle scourge everyone in the world , narrated that Aisha - God bless them - said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : « invading army Kaaba even if they Bouapda [6] of land يخسف the Bolhm most recently . She said: I said: O Messenger of Allah , how يخسف Bolhm , the last of whom , including their markets and not one of them ? Said : يخسف the Bolhm most recently and then resurrected on their intentions . [7] And has taught Noah inspiration and experience that the descendants of his people would be along the lines of parents to insist on infidelity has broadcast them a thousand years less fifty years : ) We sent Noah to his people فلبث them a thousand years less fifty years ( ( Spider: 14) In this long known طبائعهم and جربهم so it was said : the man in them was kicks off his son to Noah and says to him : Beware that it is a liar and that my father advised me such a commandment ; die large and established small on it , cutting the hope of their faith, and thus be good and comfort in their destruction to rid the earth of wickedness Bastisalhm , As for their children for the words of said: God Lips Oslab their men , and أعقم their wives before the flood forty years or seventy years, there is no problem , no children in them, has يستأنس to this by saying the Almighty : ) I said forgiveness Lord, he was غفارا (10 ) sends the sky you مدرارا ( 11 ) and يمددكم funds , Benin and makes you gardens and makes you rivers ( 12) ( (Noah) , it signifies - according to the concept - they If not يستغفروا the God Almighty does not provide them with boys. But to say who said the presence of children in them , the punishment of God for them not to face punishment for them and happening then to the torment of the Fire as their , but that was to increase the tortured parents if أبصروا children drown and then does not punish children in the afterlife . [8] And even realize how compassion these children in their destruction before being them on felt pen of the existence of the children said the time of the loss , these children show the rule in the afterlife. As for the children of infidels, have differing views them as follows: · First opinion : Stop them and not say for sure by virtue of a certain ; because God is the one who created them, and He knows what they Saamlonh - if they lived - because the Prophet - peace be upon him - was asked about the children of infidels , he said: « God as He created them knows what they would have done » [9]. · Second opinion: they are in paradise ; saying peace be upon him : « Every child is born on instinct , Vabuah Ehudana or Christian or Imjdzisanh of , like the beast beast produces Do you see where Jdaa » [10] [ 11]. And supported by what came from Anas - may Allah be pleased with him - marfoo : « I asked my Lord Agan offspring of humans not punish Voataném the » [12] . Word interpretation of Agan as children from Ibn Abbas - God bless them - brought [ 13 ] , and directed Ahmad by Belle girl rolling bin Sureym for her uncle said : I said to the Prophet peace be upon him : in Paradise ? He said: Prophet in Paradise martyr in paradise, who was born in paradise Aloid [ 14 ] in paradise » [15]. He also protested saying about children idolaters : « They served paradise » [ 16 ] , and say that they are in paradise is telling a gathering of scholars, is the choice of Abu Faraj bin Jawzi and horses and favored nuclear verse . · Third view : He went to a gathering of scholars , which they are in the will of God [17] , and this Moved from Hammad bin Zaid , and Hammad ibn Salamah , the Son of the Blessed , and Isaac , and transferred Bayhaqi in belief , for Shafei against children infidels particular, Ibn Abd al-Barr : It is appropriate facts owner, does not have this thing set , but the owners stated that Muslim children in heaven, and children infidels , especially in freewill , and the argument in an interview : « God knows what they would have done » [18] . This view was narrated by Abu al-Hasan al-Ashari Sunnis and the community [19 ], which is favored by Shaykh al Islam, has chosen to children who are involved in the will of God , and that they be tested in the Day of Judgment , and attributed to say so to my father, Hasan al-Ashari and Imam Ahmad , Shaykh al-Islam : the right that said to them: God knows what they would have done , not judged for certain of them paradise or fire, came in several conversations they doomsday be tested in Arsat [20] Judgment ordered and forbidding , and whoever obeys will enter Paradise , and whoever disobeys entered the fire , and this is mentioned by Abu al-Hasan Ashari that the Sunnis and the community [21] . He said in another place: children infidels who did not يكلفوا in the world are assigned in the Hereafter , as contained this talk of multiple , which is to say , which was narrated by Abu al-Hasan al-Ashari in the Children of the infidels, as progress in the right of the Prophet - peace be upon him - that he was asked about them ; said : God knows what they would have done [22]. Ibn Hajar has stated that they will be tested in the Hereafter that lifted them to the fire , it is income it was cool and safe , and my father was tortured . Bayhaqi recounted in the book belief that the correct doctrine . This is indicated by to say what is stated in airtight Quran in the story of good servant who left Prophet Moses to meet him in the compound of Bahrain , it said, noting the secret of killing the boy : ) The boy was his parents are believers فخشينا that يرهقهما tyranny and disbelief (80) ( (Cave ) in Saheeh Muslim from Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him - said: « the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - the boy who was killed by Greens : Print [23] on printed infidel, if left tasked parents tyranny and disbelief » [24] . said Ibn Taymiyyah commenting on the talk : I mean reprinted God in the mother of the Book , which has been proven by and wrote an infidel , which he lived Kafr already. Here we can see that compassion was the deaths of these children with their parents before they were to hold a pen and establish disbelief and be owners of hell. III. Noah s apology - peace be upon him - the Day of Judgment for intercession ; may be whole day or for leaving what he should have done is leave ordered his people to God, willing destroyed, and kept them willing , and nothing in this disobedience to God : Did not call Noah - peace be upon him - to his people only after they told him God - the Almighty - he would not believe of his people is of may safe, said the Almighty : ) and revealed to Noah that he would not believe from your people only have safe not disheartened as they were doing (36 () ( Hood ) [25] , and the apology for intercession as in modern: « the Lord may upset today anger did not upset him like him, will not get angry after like him, and he has been calling me call on national , myself, myself, myself, just go to others .. » [26]. Is clear from this modern that apology Noah - peace be upon him - intercession for his people do not have committed error , forbidding of intercession, but because it was his call is answered and called on his people, though most recently called and A_i_f in the day. In this saying of the Prophet , peace be upon him : « Every prophet call is answered calls and I want to hide my call for my nation s intercession in the Hereafter » [ 27 ] . Thus, the apology Noah - peace be upon him - for intercession on the Day of Resurrection be the first to leave him ; as it was the first to appoint ordered his people to God willing, destroyed, and kept them willing . The making of Abraham ; when he said: ) Lord they Odilln a lot of people , it followed me its me and whoever disobeys you , Most Merciful (36) ( (Abraham) . And also making Jesus peace be upon him ; when he said : The torturing they are slaves even forgive them, you you Aziz al - Hakim (118) ( table ) . When he called Noah - peace be upon him - بإهلاك his people had left first , and leave the first is not a sin as some الواهمين claim Yet ask him for forgiveness of the prophets ; HH their degree with God , and the This is what Nouhalih did the peace . [28] The forgiveness of Noah - peace be upon him - then : Lord, forgive me and my parents , because the Prophet - peace be upon him - whatever obeyed and labored and Abdel it preached exhibition of error and negligence , and this is the epitome of literature with the God of the prophets , and teach us not to Ncetkther our business and our jihad to God , but as we stood , it is God and man to ask forgiveness of God , even after good works as « the Prophet peace be upon him - ask forgiveness of God day and night , more than seventy times » [29] , in the novel : « a hundred times » [ 30 ] , not so for a sin committed by or for the wrong done . Conclusion: · Did not call Noah - peace be upon him - to his people only after God revealed to him and realized he would not believe of his people only have a safe , said the Almighty : ) and revealed to Noah that he would not believe from your people only have safe not disheartened by what they do (36) ( (HUD) , and knew that their descendants would be along the lines of parents to insist on disbelief experience , it has to broadcast them a thousand years less fifty years, and in this long known temperament and جربهم even said : the man whom he warns his son Noah and tells him : Beware this it is a liar , and this is something that cut hope in their faith, and thus be good in their destruction , to rid the land of evil . · As for their children : for the words he said : that God Lips Oslab their men and أعقم of the wombs of their women before the flood forty years, or seventy years , there is no problem , the lack of them children . · The dumping to say the children so you do not face punishment for children and becoming beyond to fire as their torment , but to increase the torture of parents if they saw their children are drowning and does not punish the children in the afterlife . · Apology Noah - peace be upon him - the Day of Judgment intercession to leave him what he should have done is left is his people, God willing, destroyed, and kept them not willing to call them doom . -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ (*) The infallibility of the prophets, and to respond to the likeness against them , d . Mohamed Abu al - Nur Iron , the secretariat Press , Cairo , 1399 AH / 1979 AD . Site of the word . alkalema.net [1]. Prophecy and prophets , Muhammad Ali Saabooni , Dar Saabooni , Mecca, 1390 , p 140 . [2]. Astgshawa clothes : they covered their heads with their garments . [3]. Severe : severe . [4]. Prophecy and prophets , Muhammad Ali Saabooni , Dar Saabooni , Mecca, 1390 , pp. 140, 141 . [5]. الجريرة : guilt. [6]. Baida : the desert. [7]. Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih , book sales , door mentioned in the markets ( 2012 ), and Muslim in his Sahih , Book temptation and the Signs of the Hour , the door Rift army which leads the House ( 7426 ) . [8]. Infallibility of the prophets, and to respond to the likeness against them , d . Mohamed Abu al - Nur Iron , the secretariat Press , Cairo , 1399 AH / 1979 AD , p 257 . [9]. Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih , Funerals book , the door of what was said in the children of the polytheists ( 1317 ) , and elsewhere , and Muslim in his Sahih , Book of fate, the door of the meaning of each child is born on instinct ( 6936 ) . [10]. Aljdaa : cutting her party from its edges. [11]. Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih , Funerals book , the door of what was said in the children of the polytheists ( 1319 ) , and elsewhere , and Muslim in his Sahih , Book of fate, the door of the meaning of each child is born on instinct ( 6926 ) . [12]. Hassan: Narrated by Abu Ali in his Musnad ( 7 /138) (no. 4101 ) , and Tabaraani in East lexicon ( 6 /111) (no. 5957 ) , and a man in the Whole ( 3592 ) . [13] . Attributed Hassan: narrated Tabaraani in large lexicon (11/ 330) , Bab Al Ain: conversations Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him ( 11906 ) , and the Hassan attributed Albanians in the correct string ( 1881). [14]. Aloid : who was buried alive. [15]. True : Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad, Flip Alkoviin , modern men from the Ansar , God bless them ( 20602 ) , and Abu Dawud in his Sunan , Book of Jihad , the door of the virtue of the certificate ( 2523 ), and in Saheeh Abi Dawood (2200 ) . [16] . True : Narrated Tabaraani in large lexicon ( 7 /244) , Seine door : Samra bin grasshopper may Allah be pleased with him ( 6993 ) , and in the East (2 /302) (no. 2045 ) and horses in the correct chain ( 1468). [17] . Heaven and Hell , d . Omar Suleiman al - Ashqar , Dar Nafaes , Jordan, Dar es Salaam , Cairo, 1426 / 2005 , vol 7, p 194. [18]. Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih , Funerals book , the door of what was said in the children of the polytheists ( 1318) , and in the other position , and Muslim in his Sahih , Book of fate, the door of the meaning of each child is born on instinct ( 6933 ) . [19] . Total fatwas , Ibn Taymiyyah , Ibn Taymiyyah Library , Cairo , i 1, 1398 , 4 / 404 , 24/ 372. [20]. Land : the horrors of the resurrection and Shidaúdha . [21] . Heaven and Hell , d . Omar Suleiman al - Ashqar , Dar Nafaes , Jordan, Dar es Salaam , Cairo, 1426 /2005 , p 195 . [22]. Total fatwas , Ibn Taymiyyah , Ibn Taymiyyah Library , Cairo , i 1, 1398 , 4/ 281. [23] . Print : Books . [24] . Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih , Book of Virtues, door pads virtues of vegetables , peace be upon him ( 6315 ) . [25]. Stories of the Prophets , Muhammad Sharawi , Dar Jerusalem , Cairo , i 1, 2006 , pp. 43, 44 . [26]. Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih , book of the prophets , the door of the words of God Almighty: ) We sent Noah to his people to warn your people before they come to them a painful punishment (1) ( (Noah) ( 3162 ), and elsewhere , and Muslim in his Sahih , Book of Faith , the lowest of the people of Paradise door status ( 501 ) . [27]. Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih , Book invitations, door every prophet call is answered ( 5945 ) , and elsewhere , and Muslim in his Saheeh , Book of Faith , the door hiding the Prophet peace be upon him an invitation intercession for his nation ( 508 ) . [28] . Infallibility of the prophets, and to respond to the likeness against them , d . Mohamed Abu al - Nur Iron , the secretariat Press , Cairo , 1399 AH / 1979 AD , p 258 . [29] . Narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih , Book invitations, the door of forgiveness Prophet , peace be upon him in the night and day ( 5948 ) . [30] . Narrated by Muslim in his Sahih , Book male and pray and repent, door mustahabb forgiveness and Begrudging him ( 7033 ) .
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 16:52:39 +0000

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