Miss U badly ma…. How wonderful u were all these days … Trust - TopicsExpress


Miss U badly ma…. How wonderful u were all these days … Trust me you were my best frend ever and always will be… Couldn’t believe, all of a sudden I’ve come so far from you … longing to see u… Couldn’t really forget those days when I was at hospital for my delivery… how did u manage despite of all your health issues… U took care of me the whole day … and took care of the lil angel all night… when did u sleep??? U was there even when u fell sick vomiting as u dint have proper sleep day and night…Not a day u thought of a substitute to look after me and our lil darling… I know its hard.. very hard for anyone to manage things all alone … U always used to complain that I never help you in household works… but u never let me do even a small work at home nor u complain from the day my pregnancy got confirmed…There was nobody to help u even not me… How selfish I was…Days were hectic to u even though u never complained abt your knee or leg pain.. Days were much more hectic after delivery as you were taking care of two people…I know u never strained to take care of us from washing little darling’s nappy to my nightdress.. Cleaning home everyday... U carried all these work during day hours and all night playing and putting our lil darling to sleep… Where did u get so much time?? When did u sleep??? From his birth till the day I wave hands at airport, u were everything to lil Dhanwanth..his favourite toy…his best frend to play with..his all night lullaby… his cradle..his bath tub.. his washing machine..his latrine..n even his teddy ..how selfish I am to bring him so far from u ….AMMA … U R A BOON… I know mom is a special gift to all living being…But mom like u is a BOON to every daughter…
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 01:47:17 +0000

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