Mission: Empowering young people to take action in creating a - TopicsExpress


Mission: Empowering young people to take action in creating a peaceful and thriving planet for the next 7 generations. Vision: Unifying the worlds resources by organizing a youth led Global Peace Movement that is held together by a Social Media Platform. This Global Community Network will inspire and empower people to create family focused intentional communities in city centers around the world, while demonstrating a sustainable way of living and learning. How It Works: At the center of this movement is the International Youth Council. Each of these youth have a large following of their own and together will have millions of followers from day 1. These youth are inviting global participation in the creation of biannual Global Peace Projects. The movement is being held together by a on-line social media platform that makes it inspiring and easy for people to join the network. This free platform is available for individuals and organizations to create their profiles which gives them the technology to properly organize and harness the energy to bring their visions to full fruition. This effectively grows their personal and organizational networks while also expanding the Global Community Network. This Global Community Network is committed to unifying our collective efforts for one shining moment in human history that will take place every two years (Biennial Global Peace Project). Some of the worlds most influential people and groups will be supporting these youth at these BIG events. Every single person involved with this social media platform is committing themselves as a resource (however little or big) to the Global Peace Project that is being led by this International Youth Council. This social media platform acts as a pool of resources for youth around the world to utilize for the creation of their chosen Peace Projects (Local or Global). Each of these 13 youth are globally recognized for their creative efforts to make positive change in the world. Each youth specializes in a different aspect of human creation, each of which are expressed in the organizational framework of the social media platform. This organizational concept makes this a diverse team (with an array of talents & passions) that is capable of stewarding this global movement. The GEM (Mandala) is made up of 13 rays and each youth specialize in one of the 13 aspects and are responsible for organizing and focalizing the global community that make up that specific ray. Each of these youth will have the support of 2 mentors throughout their four year journey on the council. One mentor is more of a spiritual advisor or moral support (13 Indigenous Grandmothers or Noble Peace Prize Winners) and the other is someone who is world famous for the same aspect or ray that that the particular youth is stewarding. For an example: the youth council member that is stewarding the spirituality ray may send a personal invitation to the Dali Lama to mentor them as they step into their leadership in this world through this GEM adventure. By having some of the worlds most influential people involved with this movement will be sure to inspire global participation. The influential youth that make up the international council are calling forth young people around the world to step up as leaders of the next generation (taking responsibility for the world that they are inheriting) and are being invited to create a regional GEM community in their area. These young leaders will be calling forth their local community to share resources in their chosen Peace Projects (local) and the chosen biennial Global Peace Project. These Peace Projects will unify the community through supporting young people in the realization of their dreams. GEM will also offer cities a blueprint of a children/family focused intentional community that focuses on sustainable living and learning. These intentional communities are made up of organizations, eco-concious businesses, families, and individuals who wish to offer resources to support the children in the realization of their full potential. These intentional communities are not limited to a plot of land. These communities are made up of households, families, circle of friends, neighbors, groups, schools, and organizations and the whole world is their home. These communities will also be connected through the social media platform so that our travelling families/youth/GEM community at large will be supported wherever they go. Please visit our GEM Community Facebook Page for more information of GEM. Website Features: (goal to launch in Summer 2015) Network Directory Sophisticated Search Engine Content mapping technology to organize content into an organic “living” network Linked Data: (data source published as RDF) 1) Automated Linking of Data Sets 2) Linking to External Data Sources Interactive Maps (with Search Capabilities) Link Maps to Website Navigation Keyword Linking (cross-pollination and matchmaking) Automated Updates Newsfeed Headline Videos Personalized Profiles Instant Messaging Blogs Acts of Empowerment/ greening the earth and ourselves - Invitation to make change our lives styles - I Pledge!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:01:57 +0000

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