Mission Log – P90X Day 51 Mission Statement: This is the - TopicsExpress


Mission Log – P90X Day 51 Mission Statement: This is the voyage of P90X, its 90 day mission is to become stronger, to push myself past the point of exhaustion and to make my body do things I never thought possible. To boldly go where I never dared before! Mission Log: Chest and Back and I’m back!!! I’m back and Ouch!, wow, I wasn’t sure if I was really pushing hard, we had twelve different routines, 2 sets each, and the first set, I came under what I did before, I was disappointed as I thought that having a week off would had helped, I kept falling short on number of reps from the last time I did Chest and Back. But on the 2nd set, I made up for It, I improved on all the routines, meaning that I had increased the number of reps from the time prior to taking the week off, and I really felt it by the end of todays routine. I was nervous today, Wasn’t sure how I would be having taking a little more than a week off, But once I started, I felt better. At times during my exercise I kept thinking I should not had taking the time off, But I had to, I was hurting, and no sense breaking myself, I also did the Abs workout, This one I also had a hard time, Half way through I just wanted to quit, I was getting very upset with myself, as I fell off in the number of reps from my high points, I know I will get it back up, Just was disappointed for being my first day back, was hoping to knock it out of the park, Did not happen, I got my butt handed to me today. I will fight back. Also completed My Katas 1-6, practiced Kata group # 7, although I really need more work on this before I can add it into my Katas rotation, I also did my Sparring Training and the standard class exercise routine along with the T-Stance Switch, and also added the T Stance to ready stance switch, 20 times on this one. I’m tired! in a good way, I pushed hard, and I was able to bring it this morning. Today was weigh in day, I lost 4.5 pounds, I’m now down to 215.5 from a high of 283 A Total of 64 lbs. from beginning of February 2013, I am now only 10.5 pounds away from my first target weight goal of 205 I was nervous, I felt as though I lost weight, But not doing any exercise, I cold not tell except in my belt, Been going to the last notch now, And I also am able to fit into a size 36 waist now. During my week off from exercising, I tried to really concentrate on nutrition, and to follow my meal plan as much as possible, I did deviate a little, mostly when asking for certain vegetables, I went with what we had giving to us opposed to buying what was scheduled for at the store. I really like some of the menu items, I feel that I can get the out to eat out experience here at home, as I’m cooking with a lot of different ingredients and I really been surprising myself with both in cooking and also with what I been eating. (Onions, Peppers, Sweet Potato, Squash which are all of my not so favorite foods that I would never, ever eat.) I am treating this like I do my exercising, but I also have to pace myself due to limited funds. Remember NO EXCUSES, CHALLENGE YOURSELF COMMITT AND FOLLOW THROUGH
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:22:54 +0000

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