Mission Training 2013 October 12-13, 2013: Las Vegas, - TopicsExpress


Mission Training 2013 October 12-13, 2013: Las Vegas, Nevada October 12-13, 2013: Louisville, Kentucky November 16-17, 2013: Hartford, Connecticut Is Mission Training for Me? Yes! If you are interested in meeting members and national leaders outside your local area who share your passion for helping veterans. Yes! If you want to share great ideas with other members across the country or renew your enthusiasm for our mission. Yes! If you find yourself growing more involved and you don’t know where to turn for the information you need, or you have been doing the same activities for years and you want a fresh approach. While the Auxiliary’s programs haven’t changed, the national leadership team has refreshed the Mission Training content based on feedback from the past two years and your most frequently-asked questions. For 2013, there will be two tracks to choose from Saturday: Track #1 American Legion Auxiliary Programs: What’s This All About? This track will focus on the mission-outreach programs of the Auxiliary: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Poppy, Education, Junior Activities, Children & Youth, ALA Girls State/Girls Nation and Americanism. You will learn the essential information about each program and discuss ways individuals, small groups and units can work those programs. Participants will have time to ask questions of experienced ALA leaders, share stories and explore ideas together in a positive group environment. Track #2 Organizational Effectiveness: Developing the Future Grassroots Leader in You Some of the most effective ALA leaders don’t see themselves as leaders at all, yet they seem to find themselves standing in front of groups of ALA members on a regular basis. Here’s your chance for a first-hand overview of the tools you need to be a successful ALA leader. Your tools include important ALA documents and resources that will help your unit and/or department deal with issues of governance, accountability, civility, planning and running effective meetings, reporting. You’ll also learn what happens at national meetings, including who can attend. Hint: most of the time, it is anyone! You will also hear how to recognize and mentor other leaders so a few individuals don’t bear the whole burden of responsibility. On Sunday, all attendees will meet together for a shared program covering membership, raising awareness of the ALA, and the role of the ALA and the community. All sessions have been designed to be interactive and fun for you. Each day starts with a continental breakfast, and the program will run roughly from 9am to 4pm Saturday, with optional socializing afterward, and 9am to 11:30am on Sunday. You are on your own for dinner and religious services; the schedule was designed to give you that freedom. In addition to continental breakfast both days, lunch will be provided on Saturday. Registration Fees: Your registration fee includes: materials for the conference, two continental breakfasts and one lunch. Register early for a discounted registration fee. Those who register after the deadline or on-site may not be guaranteed all of the materials during the conference. For the October 12-13 events in Las Vegas and Louisville, the following dates and fees will apply: If you register for Las Vegas and Louisville by September 13, the early bird discounted rate is $50. If you register by the registration deadline (September 27), the registration fee is $57. After September 27 and for on-site registration, the fee is $67. For the November 16-17 event in Hartford, the following dates and fees will apply: If you register for Hartford by October 18, the early bird discounted rate is $50 If you register by the registration deadline (November 1), the registration fee is $57. After November 1 and for on-site registration, the fee is $67. For housing information, please click below: Housing To download the housing information, please click here. For more information, please click the links below: View Event Summary To Register now, please click the Yes button below. Everyone who registers for the conference must have a unique email address. If you do not have your own email address, please contact [email protected] for instructions
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 22:21:11 +0000

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