Mission accomplished! I finally recovered the lost airplane, it - TopicsExpress


Mission accomplished! I finally recovered the lost airplane, it was up in a tree. Had a devil of a time getting there. Had to whack a way through the brush and down the hill rough country for an old man. Luckily it was a young tree and I was able to shake it and get the plane to drop. I don`t know if I was up to climbing a tree after all that bush whacking. But the boys were happy to see the plane again and Bob was happy to have done them a favor. Casey fixed Pete and I a fine supper. Spicy meatballs, mac&cheese, salad and a strawberry shortcake desert. Yum Yum!!!!! Pete enjoyed the meal with me and almost believed me when I told him how I had slaved over a hot stove and fixed supper. Almost. I got out the old wringer washer and fired her up. It sure beats washing laundry by hand. Did a load and hung them out to dry. Takes me back about 50 years when I was just a little tadpole. Back to a simple time. All we had to worry about then was them dang Russians. I remember the drills at school, duck under the desk and cover up. I also remember a jet plane flying down the valley past Edinburg Elementary School and hearing the sonic boom when he broke the sound barrier. Amazing times for a little fellow. I used to help the janitor clean up and empty the trash cans from all the rooms. Then I would clap erasers on the steps outside. Or was this because I was a nuisance in class, hard to remember. It was a long time ago. I do remember standing in the corner because I was being punished for some trivial incident. There were just as many rules at school as there was at home. But at home I had the whole outdoors to escape to. I would take my dog and roam all over the countryside. Maybe down to Larkin`s Grocery and sit on the bench and watch the people come and go. The farmers would sit on the benches and talk about the weather, the crops, their ailments, and whatever else happened to be on their mind at the time. Sometimes they would take pity on me and buy me a soda. There I was with my dog, my wagon, and my thirsty face. I loved that wagon, I could haul things, coast down hills, and just have a bang up time. I used to make toys to play with from stuff I would find at home or by the side of the road as I traveled about. What more could a boy want. I remember one time I was watching a war movie on TV, it might have been Combat. the year was 1961 or somewhere near there about. Well they showed the troops parachuting from a plane behind enemy lines. Boy was that exciting for an imaginative fellow. So after the show was over, I borrowed ? Mom`s tablecloth, which was going to be my parachute. Off to the chicken house I went. Far away from the house so I wouldn`t be bothered while I parachuted behind enemy lines. Up in the plane I climbed with my chute and orders to obey. I crept over to the high part of the roof and peered over the edge below. Boy was that a long way or not. But I had my orders and I was almost over the drop zone. I checked my parachute the last time before I stood at the open door and waited for the jump master to say jump. My knees were shaking, my mouth was dry, this was going to be my first jump and I wanted it to be a safe one. "JUMP" the jump master barked, and jump I did. All the way down to the ground below, about ten or twelve feet I suppose. Boy I landed hard on my feet and hit the ground with my bottom, the chute covering my head as the hurting began. I walked to the house with Mom`s table cloth and my sore bottom as I tried to picture what went wrong. I had some grand times when I was a youngster, dreaming up things to build and adventures to be found at every turn. I was alone most of the time, and enjoyed the freedom that comes from having no one to mess up your plans. One brother was too old to play with, and the other brother was too young. So I would travel to my friends homes and enjoy a visit from time to time. I sometimes wish that I was that young boy again. Enjoying life and not having a care in the world.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 00:34:14 +0000

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