Mission accomplished The social and Environmental Society of - TopicsExpress


Mission accomplished The social and Environmental Society of the The Gambia College School of Education has recently accomplished its long awaited mission to the Republic of Guinea Bissau on historical fact findings. The topic this time was on the History, tradition and cultures of the MANJAGO ethnic group. During the exercise, the club traversed and brandished the length and breath of Guinea Bissau with a view to obtaining historical raw materials that could be used to reconstruct our history particularly on origin cultures and advanced civilizations of the our people. we were able to engage the elders of Bassarel, pleundo, canchungo, Calquisse which were believed to be the ancestral home of the manjagos. Bassarel was core and mantle of the manjagos. The most fascinating aspect of the research was that ,we were able to reveal the traditional and orthodox lineage and genealogical names of the manjago which were destroyed by the Portuguese. peaceful they were , the manjago also possessed unique cultures. it has been historically established beyond all doubts that this ethnic group migrated to Senegambia River valley not only to expand their territories but to equally maintain peace with other ethnic groups. The SES broke a historical record set aside by UTG Socio-Fact Fact Finders Club and also set a new record for themselves. UTG History club stopped at Canchungo but SES proceeded to Bassarel 20kms from canchungo.The document in both video and written text shall be out very soon and we intend writing it professionally to meet acadimic standards for public consumption. Again, it is our plan to submit this document to MOBSE so as to include it into the school system. Unless Africans are ready to reconstruct their histories, we shall continue to be defined by outsiders. This just the tip of the ice bag. KAUSU DRAMMEH
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 03:23:39 +0000

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