Mission: to use our God given gifts and talents to empower our - TopicsExpress


Mission: to use our God given gifts and talents to empower our community through love to become disciples of Jesus Christ. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. Easter is one of my favorite times of the year. I am reminded of how much He loves me and that He died to save me. Nobody loves me like Jesus. Nobody loves you like Jesus. Will you read His Word and get to know Him intimately and let His redeeming love change your life. Are you committed to a life of prayer and study of His Word? Do you really know how much He loves you? He misses time with you when you dont talk to Him. Will you spend time with Him today? Prayer Points Praise God for redemption Thank God for His Son Confess your need of His Holy Spirit Reflect on A Question of Comfort Act on spending time in the Word and talking to Jesus Normandie becoming a House of Prayer Pastor Dorsey and family President of the United States of America Missing Members Bereaved families of Normandie, our community and our nation. Sick & Shut In Health Recovery: Elder Ron Edmundson, Elzada Goodson, Pastor Kelly, Dr Kyle, Lillian Harrington, Ron Coleman Sr, Jeannine Mitchell, James Guillory, Ocie McClain, Ludye Poellnitz and others. Church Officers The lost who dont know Christ Requests in the Prayer Box Unemployed and Underemployed Families of the people who were on the missing airplane Unspoken Other Special thanks to Jenee King for sharing her sermon notes to bless us. We appreciate you. Sabbath, March 22, 2014. Pastor Dorsey II. Sermon Title: A Question of Comfort! Supporting Scriptures Mark 10: 46-52. Quicken loans offered a Billion Dollar giveaway for the person who could pick the perfect bracket (college basketball picks). In order to submit your entry you had to provide your personal information, which included your phone number and email address. The catch was they would use the information provided to contact you in order to solicit business for refinancing or home loans and they would do this for the rest of your life. The odds were, a person could submit 9 million brackets and still only have a 50% chance of winning. We find ourselves being so comfortable with the chance of trying something that we really dont even have a chance at getting and we are willing to give everything to try and get it. Jesus offers us a chance at salvation, redemption, eternal life but what are we willing to give up in order to receive it. Mark 10: 35-42- Jesus walked and talked with His disciples. Two amongst them asked Jesus if they could be placed at the right and left of Him in His kingdom. Jesus had to remind them that true greatness comes in serving others. He told them that He did not come to be served but to serve His people. vs 46 They came upon a town in Jericho. (during this time it was common for blind men to sit on the side of the road looking for a handout, money for the affliction) v47 There was a man there who had heard Jesus was there and called out to Him asking for His blessing. He wanted to Escape Your Comfort Zone Jesus recognized that this man, who was among many others like him that were comfortable with where they were with themselves, and satisfied with what they received when they asked for a handout, didnt want money but wanted an opportunity for change in his life. Some of us come to church and function like those who sat on the roadside satisfied with where they were and when Jesus becomes present among you instead of calling out to Him and receiving Him into our lives we are comfortable with sitting where we are and seeing Him pass us by. We are being held back individually which causes us to be held back corporately because we choose to stay in our comfort zone and want to keep others there with us. The Bible tells us in Luke 8 the story of a woman who had been suffering for 12 years from an issue of bleeding. She made herself present in a place that she heard Jesus would be and was able to get close enough to touch His garment and His power healed her. Jesus knew this woman would be present and among the crowd. He was able to strategically place Himself in her path in order for her to reach out and touch Him and He released His healing power on her. Then, He said, someone touched me and she stepped out of her comfort zone and rose up and told her story. IGNORE The Comfortable You have no time to listen to those who are still in their comfort zone. Know that misery loves company. vs 48 the people around the blind man criticized him and told him to be quiet but he continued to call out to Jesus. We come to church time and time again with the opportunity to present things to God and we hold back or hold it in from God. God knows what we are going through. He knows what we need, Jesus knew this blind man and bleeding woman would be present and what their hearts desired. God wants us to ask for Him to show His glory through us. Why would you come to church and not ask God for a healing, for growth, or for change? When you go to the doctors office you want to present to him every issue you have been experiencing in order to receive a healing or an answer. Why wouldnt you come to church to have an experience with God and give it all up to Him? Answer The Comforter The only way to have true comfort is to make it to the other side. Jesus is calling you to join Him and allow Him to lead you there. Calling the crowd to join His disciples, He said, Anyone who intends to come with Me has to let Me lead. Youre not in the drivers seat; I am. Dont run from suffering; embrace it. Follow Me and Ill show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, My way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for? Mark 8: 34-37 ( the Message Bible) Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Who You are. Thank You for Your lavish love for us. Thank You for redemption and Your presence in our lives both now and forever in heaven. Please forgive us for living in our comfort zone and hindering others to spring from theirs as well. Thank You for the opportunities to serve You and lead others to Christ. Give us the resolve in being uncomfortable as we serve You. We choose to come out of our comfort zone and answer the Comforter. When You give a command you also equip us to fulfill it. Keep us talking to You and being empowered by Your Holy Spirit to be victorious as we minister to others joining You at work. May we seek Your face as we intercede for ourselves and for others to be saved in Your Kingdom. We pray, praise and thank You in the name of Jesus. Amen! Your NASDAC, Prayer Ministries
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:08:36 +0000

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