Missouris Amendment 1: My Two Cents Worth How did the issues of - TopicsExpress


Missouris Amendment 1: My Two Cents Worth How did the issues of Amendment 1 attain the profile of this size? The people of the this state have been sold . . . . and unfortunately the vast majority of our population of this state are completely ignorant of the hidden dangers that it will bring if passed. There are many that you talk to who will say that they agree with the message because of that nice TV ad or radio spot and you have to admit; those ads are very well done. We have been sold by the oldest trick in the book . . . Slight of Hand! Look over here at the flowers Im planting For You! (While with the other hand I will bury you, whiteout your knowledge, with legislation and regulation the likes you could never dream of). For those that are considering on voting yes, consider the two main commodities that are absolutely necessary for people to survive: Food and Water. The of vote of yes will jeopardize both. By your vote You, and I do mean YOU, will be authorizing the government at all levels to have more influence on Where your food comes from, and Who produces that food. Consider you vote carefully, Very carefully. This IS NOT a state statute. It IS a Change to the Constitution and therefore, to all intents and purposes, Permanent.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 15:06:49 +0000

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