Mistakes. Missing a take, is to make an error when you have to - TopicsExpress


Mistakes. Missing a take, is to make an error when you have to make ur own take. What a blatant lie, for a man to say, he hasnt made a mistake that cost him thoughts if not tears. Life is basically in stages and u must go through all of it, if you are so chanced and the power of death never have to grab u early enough. Since, youve never being here before, you are bound to make or take some decision that cost you a lot. If you cant get it right at first, ensure you do the next try. Dont be afraid of the mistake. Learn from ur mistakes. On the path to success, more mistake are made than successes. Just that, success makes u feel like uve never failed before, plenty of all, make u feel, uve never lacked anything before. Micheal Jordan rode on the wings of his mistakes to become a great basketball player, Albert Eistern made hundreds of mistake before the electric bulb was born. U might be fortunate enough to get it right once bt, if not, never give up, try, try and keep trying. God will help u out. Life at the end of it all, will be wat u think about it, Ur perspective!!!...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 10:56:13 +0000

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