Misty says - I started this product around August 2013. I had - TopicsExpress


Misty says - I started this product around August 2013. I had reached my all time highest weight of 240. In a two year period I had gone from wearing a sz 10 jeans to a sz 22/24 and a Large top to a 2x/3x without any explanation. My dr. would just keep saying exercise. My husband and I would spend hours at the gym working out and instead of losing pounds or inches I was finding them without any reason. My dr. was concerned enough to setup appts for me to come in and see her over the weight gain but wasnt keen on helping me figure out what the true reason behind it all was. She had prescribed Phentermine but that did nothing. So I went to a new dr. This new dr. diagnosed me with bi-polar (always in the manic phase), depression, anxiety/panic disorder, agoraphobia, pcos, ocular migraines, acute insomnia, and I think at the time that was it. I made my own appt with my gyno and found out I had endometriosis. In the past two years, Ive had a partial hysterectomy which also included the removal of my endometriosis, a hiatal hernia surgery which they found that my spleen was fused to my stomach and I had to have a blood transfusion at the time, a colonoscopy, at least 8 ct scans, 4 xrays, and 8 outpatient procedures. Thats not including the monthly visits to a psychiatrist and a weekly visit to a psychologist. I still have hormonal issues we are trying to get situated which once that happens that will help with the weight loss as well. I started this product in August 2013 as a 7 day trial. I liked it. When my husband and I got the money we ordered in September. I instantly liked it. I liked how easy it was, I could grab and go. Being a cosmetology student and having to drive 30 minutes each way to and from school I could drink my drink on the way to school and be done with it. Then its water for the rest of the day. I felt like it gave me more energy and honestly like it balanced me out with everything that I had going on, with the exception of the insomnia) I even weaned myself from my medications and felt great. After I finished my September supply my mother had given me hers because it did not work for her. So I took it in October and wasnt able to reorder until end of December. But with that being said during that time frame I maintained my weight loss at 26lbs and did not gain anything back. I will be honest I was seeing numbers drop on the scale but I wasnt seeing inches being lost so I was getting frustrated but I didnt give up! And Im glad I havent because as of today without no exercise, no change to my diet Ive lost 35 lbs. And Im now seeing the inches coming off. In This Moment morning I had a dr. appt and I put on my gray v-neck t-shirt and leggings. Same outfit as I had on in the pic back in October. (The second pic is also from Oct and from this past week) Im glad I had the nurse take this picture so I could see the difference because wow! The only thing I will be changing up is in the summer I will be swimming laps for exercise but thats it. I know you are going to ask what all Ive taken so here it is. Drink mix, 1-2 accelerators a day, and I just started adding in the ProBio5 this past month but I dont take it on a regular basis. Sorry for the book. I just wanted to let the ones contemplating on the product, it does work. But with anything you have to give it time. Im glad I did because I now have a waist line!! amazing results. You can have too...Msg me if you would like to try a three day trail pack... bemotivated.myplexusproducts
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:07:45 +0000

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