Mixing means to combine (substances, elements, things, etc.) into - TopicsExpress


Mixing means to combine (substances, elements, things, etc.) into one mass, collection, or assemblage, generally with a thorough blending of the constituents. This definition is what we are clearly seeing in People. People have doctrines that are based on an interpretation of Scripture from Mans views and Not YHWHs. The Name of the creator is commanded in the Ten Commandments, yet Christianity is guilty of breaking the Third Command by bringing the Name of YHWH to nothingness! The Divine Name of YHWH is used almost 7,000 times in the Tanakh (Old Covenant). So if the New Covenant is a continuation of The Divine Revelation to man, we should expect it to appear in the Gospels/letters as well? We know that the original New Covenant contained the Divine Name of YHWH, but none of the various existing Greek versions of the New Testament preserve that Name. Both the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds (t.Shab 13:5, b.Shab 116a, j.Shab 15c) contain a debate among Rabbinical Jewish leaders on whether New Testament writings could be destroyed, because they contained the Divine Name of YHWH, and Jewish tradition did not allow for the destruction of writings that contained the Name of YHWH in them. They concluded that the New Testament could not be destroyed, because it contained the Divine Name. Otherwise, they would have ruled that it could be destroyed. The Name of YHWH is found in the Hebrew versions of Matthew and Hebrews, as well as being preserved by a special designation in the Aramaic version of the New Testament as well. The only way for any of us to know the truth and to be set free is to match it with the Scriptures: His love letter to us, His children. If what you have learned or been taught does not match up to His word then you are following man and not YHWH. “See to it that no one makes a prey of you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary matters of the world, and not according to Messiah.” (Colossians 2:8) Many today still want to hold on to what Men taught them. Many who say they are Messianic still hold fast to the traditions of men.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:30:10 +0000

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