#MiyokoShida is a Japanese artist who has become and internet - TopicsExpress


#MiyokoShida is a Japanese artist who has become and internet sensation with a #YouTube video of what, in principle, is a balancing act. I have tried to find some more information about her, but just I seem to end up watching repetitions of the video or comments on it. Hence, I cannot say if this act has any intended spiritual message. To me however, it was a master class in Spirituality and I want to share the three top lessons I got from Ms. Shida’s beautiful performance. Every act of creation occurs in the now. Some have commented on the “#powerofconcentration” Ms. Shida’s displays during her act. I would call it being totally in the now. You can see it in her eyes, her expression, her movements. There are no doubts, no hesitations, no questions. She simply is and in being, she creates. Every pause, every stick, every soft brush of her foot along the floor has a purpose. Additionally, Ms. Shida’s spellbinds the audience into the present moment. For almost seven minutes, we are completely engaged with her and in a way, we are co-creating with her, as each new addition to the sculpture elicits a new meaning, a new image for us. During the seven minutes I watched her, my mind did not wonder to what I had to do at 10:00 o’clock or if what I did at 9:00 would yield any result. I was centred, anchored into that moment of sublime beauty, and for a few seconds, the ego’s was lost to the magnificence of this act. Life is an #interconnected, frail thing -but there lies its beauty and significance. If anyone ever needed a lesson in inter-connection and how everything and everyone is necessary to support creation, this video would be a great teaching tool. Not one piece of the sculpture is there for adornment. Each one is vital for the whole structure to be possible. And yet, as big as the piece gets, we are aware of the empty spaces, of the wobbles, of the fact that if any of the sticks was places a bit too far to the right or the left, the whole sculpture would collapse. And collapse it will. That is its #destiny, it’s time of existence limited to less than a few minutes. What we are witnessing will happen only once. Even when Ms. Shida repeats her act, with the same pieces, it will not quite be the same, look the same, or awake the exact sense of awe. The audience will be different. Every little fall will change the sticks somewhat. And Ms. Shida herself will be different in each performance. Hence, every moment of Life is sacred, special and unique and should be treated and received in a manner that reflects this truth. Creation starts with #Spirit and it ends when Spirit let’s it go. The act starts with a white feather. The second action is to place the feather on a stick. When the massive sculpture made of different size sticks seem to support itself on its own, like a phantom, wooden phoenix of sorts, Ms. Shida removes the feather and the phoenix falls into a whirlpool of wood that spreads a second later on to the floor like the remains of a shipwreck, scattered across a beach. And on Ms. Shida’s hand, the feather stands, white, tall, beautiful, untouched and unblemished by this act of apparent destruction. Need I say more? youtube/watch?v=K6rX1AEi57c
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:14:35 +0000

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