Mobile Video Production: How to Put Power in a Pocket By Garrett - TopicsExpress


Mobile Video Production: How to Put Power in a Pocket By Garrett Hemmerich on November 20, 2014 Most of us can remember the first time we saw a cell phone. I remember seeing one with a long spirally chord in my uncle’s car when I was a kid.Mobile devices, in one form or another, didn’t just arrive here. But just how important, how critical they’d prove to be must have been unfathomable to even those who created the first ones. Their progression from the Zack Morris-style cell phone, basically a cinderblock you had to heave up to your ear, to the handheld, do-it-all marvels that they are today has been truly incredible. We talk a lot here at KVibe about how important mobile availability, which includes a responsive website design, is for any film or video production. For more on that, check out a blog from Climb the Search, our sister SEO site: Some Cheap SEO Services to Help You Mobilize to Optimize. Now, how and where you display or distribute your video is one thing, but what about its actual production? Nowadays, your film or video needs to be developed and created, right from the start, with certain distinct considerations, especially if it’s intended for viewing on mobile devices. Make sure the technical stuff’s in order. Right off the bat, you want to ensure your video will play and be completely visible on mobile devices. Remember, we’re talking about video productions intended for mobile viewing, so this should be your first consideration. Frame size needs to be considered before shooting. Sometimes a little tape can help. The bottom line: You don’t want to get a bunch of information within a frame only to find out later you can only use a portion of it. It goes the same for converting to the right file types, using the right sequence settings, and shooting at the appropriate resolution so that the video loads fast and the quality holds up if you need to zoom. Another nightmare scenario is putting in hard work during all phases of the film or video production and then finding the video is drastically cropped or tiny, takes way too long to play, or doesn’t play at all on mobile devices. Mobile viewers are more patient and attentive than you think. It’s not just about choosing the right settings on your camera and your editing software and calling it a day. From the very first brainstorm or concept development session, tailoring the content for mobile viewing should be central. It’s one thing when a video is supplemental, like providing case studies or files to people watching a forensics detective show. That kind of content, though, is entirely dependent on the main source material. For more on that kind of second-screen video, check out our blog, Tips to Tailor Your Video Production for the Coming of the Second Screen. But let’s talk about a video production intended to be watched on a mobile device that still manages to be completely original. It’s the part of the whole mobile thing that’s still largely unexplored. It comes down to what mobile viewers want. One thing that they want, believe it or not, is longer content. Yes, that seems odd, considering mobility naturally evokes an on-the-go image. But people are now watching video on mobile devices whenever and wherever they used to read. Whether they’re on the train or bus, sitting in a waiting room or lobby, nowadays they’re watching video on their phones. So, content longer than 10 minutes is actually becoming a preference for mobile viewers. Additionally, they tend to give more attention to videos compared to desktop users, who may click off before the video’s even over. Be clear and sharable. While long-form content is welcomed, that doesn’t mean viewers will keep watching a video if you wait too long to get to the point or sink the hooks in. That thumb is dangling just over the surface, waiting, looking for a reason to try something else. That’s why your video production must be tailored to ensure there’s an emotional impact and clear focus established early on. That same thumb mentioned above, the one just itching for a reason to stop your video, is equally looking for a reason to mosey on over to the Share button. Humor and education are what commonly get people to share. Everyone wants to be the person who passes on that funny joke or eye-opening piece of information. Try to keep that in mind on when setting out on your next film or video production. Make things easy and TEST! If it’s a product commercial or corporate video production, you may want a call to action and, if so, it must be very accessible to mobile viewers. Just as they’ll leave if your video takes too long to play, they’ll click away if they can’t find the button. Lastly, test it. It sounds simple enough, but it’s pretty common to come across videos that won’t play or look odd on mobile devices. A simple dry run may have helped. So, when everything seems to be in order, grab a phone and check it out. If the settings and specs are right, the video has a clear focus, it’s accessible, and you craft something compelling enough to be sharable, you’ll open new doors to new audiences. KVibe Productions is a full-service video production company. Whether it’s a product video production, a corporate video, or a commercial production, KVibe offers the total package of multimedia services from development through distribution.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:06:40 +0000

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