Mobilizing believers to embrace climate action could be a very big - TopicsExpress


Mobilizing believers to embrace climate action could be a very big deal, given the sheer number of people who identify as Catholic in the US—around 75 million—he said. If we had just a fraction of those acting on climate change, it would be bigger than the networks of some of the biggest environmental groups in the US, he said. That could help change the way we live our lives, and impact our views on public policy. ... The popes climate plans follow a call by prominent Catholic bishops to end the use of fossil fuels and secure a global agreement to fight climate change. As the church, we see and feel an obligation for us to protect creation and to challenge the misuse of nature, declared one of the statements authors, Monsignor Salvador Piñeiro García-Calderón, the Archbishop of Ayacucho, during the recent climate conference in Lima, Peru. ... The time to find global solutions is running out, wrote the Pope. We can find adequate solutions only if we act together and unanimously. Climate change, he added, will affect all of humanity, especially the poorest and future generations. Whats more, it represents a serious ethical and moral responsibility. motherjones/environment/2014/12/pope-francis-climate-change Climate change causes erratic weather, wildfires, drought, flooding, severe storms, disease outbreaks, extinction of plant and animal life, food shortages, poverty, security threats, and war. The news about climate is disturbing. But, there is something you can do! Join UN IPCC chair Dr. Pachauri, NASA climatologist Dr. Hansen, and World Bank environmental experts by reducing animal product consumption, which they believe is the most important lifestyle change you can make to stop climate change: https://youtube/watch?v=KoIh9J6b-iQ. https://youtube/watch?v=zfbxeAFk8mY meatonomics/2014/09/04/how-to-reverse-climate-change-before-its-too-late/ Livestock Production and Shorter-Lived Climate Forcers Learn why reducing animal product consumption can cool the earth dramatically and quickly, and buy us time to switch to clean, renewable, wildlife-friendly energy. Livestock consume about half of the water in the US -- and half of Californias water: nytimes/2014/03/08/opinion/meat-makes-the-planet-thirsty.html?_r=1 Our personal lifestyles have serious -- and expensive -- consequences. By reducing animal product consumption, and participating in Meatless Monday, you conserve a huge amount of water, to help preserve our water reserves and wildlife. Remember, St Frances of Assisi, after which the pope was named, did not eat animals and advocated for the poor and downtrodden. :) He said: If you have men who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. #ClimateChange #cadrought #watersmart #waterconservation #watercrisis #GlobalWarming #WildFires #losangeles #ReduceCarbonFootprint #science #ourclimate #environment #nature #flexitarian #MFMclimatepledge #PeoplesClimateMarch #ActOnClimate #SolutionsToClimateChange #Climate2014 #climate #change #PeoplesClimate #PeoplesMarch #wildlife #PlantBased #heatwave #GHG #water #ecosystems #poverty
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:24:19 +0000

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