(Modern Day Monk)...Umma be flat out honest (as always)...there - TopicsExpress


(Modern Day Monk)...Umma be flat out honest (as always)...there are very, very few things I care about that dont deal with or involve me personally...Actually, I tend to let folk do them, making my judgement and keeping it private unless asked...I mean what one does to him or herself is for them to live with in all actuality...But of these very few things the one that bothers me the most and rears its head most climacteric is "watching an old friend slowly kill or irreversibly damage them-self in the grips of a destructive social life"...KNOWINGLY...Like that shit is cool...with no regard for their kids....fam/friends and/or spirituality/connection to the Universe (whatever it may be)..Outside the fact trying to maintain a respectable association with them becomes more of a "salvation" mission....So it turns into let down after let down from them....Folks really need to think about where and how they place themselves in life they really do....Its not just themselves they are "killing"....Walk with me....
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 14:38:35 +0000

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