Modern Day #Strangefruit. There was a time, when I was in a deep - TopicsExpress


Modern Day #Strangefruit. There was a time, when I was in a deep depression, I would look up photos of lynchings to remind myself how lucky I am to be living as a black woman in this day & age, it was a morbid perspective that I needed... thats what I would tell myself & I snapped out of that woe is me phase. With all sincerity, I have to say I am not feeling so lucky, I fear for all the black men (& boys) in my life & it is one of the (many) reasons I have chosen not to have children, the fear of my child being mistreated because of the color of their skin is just too much for me to live with. Since I am considered a public person it is so hard to make statements like this... but also I have never been one to hold back my feelings & never have a loss for words so why start now? The two major cases affecting this country currently where TWO frustrated, underpaid, undertrained, undereducated, overstressed, overworked & overly agressive police officers that do NOT get to face a jury for the broad daylight RECORDED deaths of two UNARMED black men committing petty crimes like the rest of us citizens would have had we committed a murder because they have a badge to protect them is complete & utter BULLSHIT! Everyone in this country no matter what their race, religion, culture, political affiliation, law enforcement or citizen should absolutely be upset about this & should band together in solidarity as human freaking beings to make this stop! These instances are part of the American tragedy at its core & its going to continue until we stop with the race baiting & empathize with the facts that these families & communities lost someone in a SENSELESS manner & the men that did this should absolutely be on trial. It is Law Enforcements JOB to PROTECT us... not play Judge & Jury! There has been a war brewing between poor communities & law enforcement for DECADES. These cops working in these communities garner HUGE resentment having to deal with their daily duties both professionally & personally. They are not paid enough, trained enough & counciled enough. They walk their beats in places they are not respected in, because many of them act like they are above the law yet many of them are in fact fearful so a lot of them choose to act on impulse because of this. Anyone not willing to acknowledge that is foolish. We are human beings.... we are fallible. So if you murder someone you face a jury. Period.... the end. #BlackRage will thrive if it doesnt & more lives & communities will be destroyed senselessly because the anger & frustration of injustices occurring for hundreds of years people is Just. Too. REAL! My thoughts & prayers go out to #EricGarner & his family for the unjustified & now untried lynching by an officer of the law that took his life.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:43:27 +0000

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