Modern Monetary Theory: Has nothing to do with sound and valid - TopicsExpress


Modern Monetary Theory: Has nothing to do with sound and valid economics as it has been refuted by historical events numerous times. Every boom and bust, every zoom and crash, every inflation and then drastic deflation, has been caused by modern monetary theory in action. MMT continues to be believed as it is the main plank for shoring up the religious belief in Statism. Statolatry is the modern form of the old medieval faith in the divine right of kings and the Church as Gods messengers on earth. Theologically, the state, like Jesus, can perform miracles, change the law of physics, walk on water and magically multiply our loaves and fishes by printing currency. This totem fetish consciousness is all done to support and uphold the naïve and disastrous faith in the State, which takes the place of the silver backed Alpha Male of the tribe. The weak minded and the perpetually adolescent personality seeks the comfort and assurance of a large, strong and powerful deity to protect it from the vagaries and uncertainties of life, as God faded from the historical scene it was only natural that Man would switch to a terrestrial god which can be seen and worshiped. Humanity went from worshiping stone idols, to an unseen God, back to stone idols. Rumpelstiltskin economics continues to impress and mesmerize the retarded who are educated in the finest seminaries of economics worldwide. This new priestly class then preaches the catechism far and wide to whomever is gullible enough to believe its perfect and ideal world based on an unchanging Eden at equilibrium populated by perfect actors with perfect abilities all managed by an all-powerful centralized godly authority. This is nothing but the mediaeval mind erupting again into Modernity. C. James Townsend 2014 all rights reserved
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:26:41 +0000

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