Modern Relationships Part 11 Jeremy takes a turn and decides to - TopicsExpress


Modern Relationships Part 11 Jeremy takes a turn and decides to drive to Nandos to pick up some food, on the way he gets a call ‘’aaai yeah man ek wag daan lank. Praat met daai Kovambo chery man sal ha uit betaal. I will drive Friday so I can at least get it by Sunday. Ok nxa sharp.” He hangs up and Jenny gives him a look that immediately makes him laugh. Jeremy parks the car and gets out of the car still smiling at the facial expression that Jenny just made. She hops out of the car and she follows him into Nandos. Jenny stands behind Jeremy and wraps her hands around his waist. If there was one thing Jeremy loves about Jenny was the fact that she was short and loves the way she looked when he looked down to her. Every now and then he would smile every time she pokes him: ‘’two quota legg meals aseblief” says Jeremy to the lady handing her an N$ 200 note. Jenny notices how the young lady behind the counter kept giving Jeremy flattering looks. She takes his hand and places hers inside of his and lifts herself up to stand on her toes‘’ this weekend I will moss cook for you ne” Jeremy smiles and whispers back ‘’ek gaan Walvis toe” Jenny gives him that look again and again he burst into laughter. With a straight face Jenny says ‘’J gani Walvis toe nie, ons gaan.” The lady behind the counter smiles and says ‘’ your food is ready sir” an Jenny leans in and responds giving her a nasty looks ‘’ baby our food is ready “, Jeremy smiles and says thank you and walks away with Jenny walking behind her and the lady shouts ‘’ Your change sir”. Jeremy looks back and says keep the change, but Jenny walks back to the counter and holds her hand out to her ‘’Our change please”, the young lady hands her the money and Jenny walks away following Jeremy to the car. They get into the car and Jeremy asks Jenny if she was serious about going to Walvis, excited Jenny scream yes !. Ok than you have to go home and pack, and just stay home today since you won’t be home the weekend. “ Jenny agrees and Jeremy drives to her house but parks a few houses away from Jenny’s house, just in case Noodi is there. The two kiss and Jenny disappears in the walls of the house. Jeremy takes his phone and calls Rhothe his friend from Walvis ‘’Man is daai Monica chery huka nog da in Walvis? Aye nie Morocky nie . . .daai shandy man wat ek daai Deca mee was? Sy spaan by Supatronix of so its. . . yeaaah daai ene? “he laughs for a few seconds and continues the conversation ‘’ek kom Fridag ma ek kom met a ane onnodigiki man. Aaai nie Karina nie. . . .sy is nog Wifey ma ek sit haar ees op a ane test. Aii los ees die vrou geoete, talk to Kavambo for the car man . . . she needs to let it through. Cos I need to drive it back to Windhoek on Sunday. Ok cool’’ he hangs up and sends a text to his baby mama ‘’ Jnr se ma?’’ and she replies ‘’yeah Jnr se pa” Jeremy laughs and responds ‘’Come visit baby daddy, I miss talking to you man” and She responds ‘’futsek waar is jou Princess Karina and jou Born freekies” Jeremy responds ‘’Ok sharp”, than she stops replying. Jeremy get into the shower an put on a movie and then there was a knock on the door. He shouts ‘’Wi asit?’’ the person responds ‘’aaai maaki deaur foken oop”. It was her . . .baby mama came. Jeremy smiles and shouts back ‘’ what do you want?” he laughs an walks to the door to go open the door. He opens the door and she walks right passed him straight to the room . . . Jeremy j is tog net a fark, I hate u so much Jeremy smiles and adds you hate me ne? ek weet an starts laughing.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 11:03:03 +0000

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