Modern Technology, a curse for some of us ageing folks. I recently - TopicsExpress


Modern Technology, a curse for some of us ageing folks. I recently succumbed to one of these devices, that have flooded our modern society. The things this device can do is astronomical, verses what the old one could achieve. At this point (one week) Im not sure that I will have the mental capacity, patience, or stamina to store in my brain all of the steps required to operate even at a fifth-grade level! This device CAN, if operated correctly, connect you with people you know, take pictures-still or video of anything including of yourself, text using key pad or simply talk to it as if it was a person by touching a spot on its face (knowing that your finger is three times larger than the space allowed), go to the internet on line viewing, get alerts from a calendar somewhere inside- that you have a commitment w/time to be there, weather updates and of course time and date. Oh! it can do FB too! and Synch to your car radio for calling(hands Free) I gave up a device that rang when someone call, took msg. if I didnt answer and I could call when I needed to, all so simple, never failed after eight years on my belt. Why did I get the new thingey, I was thinking, why not, every body has one and people wait in line at stores for hrs to get the latest models as they are released. Boy I should have learned a thing or two over the past seventy-plus years, dont try to be like others, better to be yourself! In time maybe Ill learn a few functions in order to call folks. Its pretty cool to pull it out of its holster, in a crowd and make like you know what youre doing. By now you have guessed its a new mobile phone, Samsung S-III Mini. Ill be OK, I have grand kids that really know how to get Papa up to speed, Ill see them at Thanksgiving. Just thought, Id share an old mans encounter with modern technology. LOL
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:29:30 +0000

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