Modern medicine does not repair cells, they use ingredients - TopicsExpress


Modern medicine does not repair cells, they use ingredients manufactured by nature, doctored in a chemical processing/manufacturing warehouse. Your body is and was the only thing that ever repairs cells or produces them, produces anti-bodies, white blood cells etc. The body heals the body, the doctors give you some type of plant, that has been processed into a pill form. Yet the plant was food for the body.... Food is Medicine in its natural WILD form..... Almost all weeds have more viable bodily nutrients in them than the food we buy. So this then begs the question, what is the food we are eating? It is bred/genetically engineered for, 1st) How long will it stay preserved, 2nd) How much will it produce and 3rd) what does it taste like. Yet nature in wild, Picks the best traits for survival based on the environment. So you eat some imported food, its not going to have the same nutrients as your environment would provide. Food can be turned into, fuel, clothing, building materials, and the salts within the foods can be used in leading cutting edge technology/power systems. You want to control a population, control the food, then the communications, but we cant let the population know they are being controlled, so introduce money, and then control that, who gets how much, what companies are allowed to thrive and not. If you could ferment some fruit, and produce Gold, or other metals, or any of the above resources i mentioned, how does that affect the money system? It doesnt, there is no backing of our paper currency and they can just print more, or burn a bunch, Inflate or deflate the economy as they see fit. Either fattening the market, or flushing and stealing all our money, businesses, mortgages etc. Producing your own resources cuts you out of, time is money, and chokes out/starves the corporate machine. Where do all these insurance type systems get their money? Money doesnt grow or renew itself, and interest is a TAX on already existing money, causing the avg dollar value to deflate even further. You plant a seed it grows, you put money in the bank, they invest it, and those things must then suck money from somewhere because interest is VAPOR. Based on the idea that you will work for us forever, if people stopped accruing debt, or causing interest, the lending rates would be high, banks/govts wouldnt own properties, there would be no homeless, no food shortages, because people would produce as needed, not as told.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:57:29 +0000

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