Modi’s Kashmir visit act of politicizing miseries and human - TopicsExpress


Modi’s Kashmir visit act of politicizing miseries and human tragedy Kashmiris with their protest shut down will expose this hypocritical politics…. Sheikh ul Aalam Hazrat Noor Ud Din Noorani and saints like him showed us the way of Welfare and salvation…Yasin Malik Bijebihara massacre reminds us the brutal face of Indian state terrorism. Collective repentance congregation held at Chrar I Shareef… Srinagar//Sheikh –ul-Aalam Hazrat Noor Ud Din Noorani and saints like him showed us the way of Welfare and salvation and if we follow and adhere to the teachings of these Great people we will surely succeed in our life and here after. Today we are facing the wrath of nature and our lives are miserable because we as a nation have left the teachings of these greats behind us. Indian prime ministers Kashmir visit act of politicizing human tragedy. Kashmiris will observe complete shutdown against this visit. Bijebihara massacre reminds us the brutal face of Indian state terrorism. This was stated by the chairman JKLF Mohammad Yasin Malik while addressing a mammoth gathering at Khankah I Charar I Shareef today. Yasin Malik said that today we remember a leader, a saint, a religious poet, a completely devoted personality who taught us the ways of life and hereafter. Today we are paying tributes to a great soul who through his poetry and teachings elaborated on us the meaning Of oneness of Allah, the necessity and importance of following the footsteps of the last messenger of Islam prophet Muhammad (SAW) in letter and spirit and also taught us the passion of working for the welfare and prosperity of human beings. Yasin Malik said that Sheikh-ul- Aalam was a complete leader who had unshakable faith in Allah, unparallel love of Allah’s messenger (PBUH). Yasin Malik said that there were times when we Kashmiri’s used to live a simple life. We followed our elders in letter and spirit but alas! All this has changed now. We for the lust of wealth and power have shunned the way of these pious people. Because of this we are suffering, our freedom has been snatched and we are shattered in every walk of life. He said that we showed dishonesty with our elders like sheikh-ul-Aalam and Allah punished us through devastation of flood. He said that our lives today are shattered and if we want to change this sad situation we all will have to repent for our sins and crimes and tread the path of spirituality as shown by these great holy men. Yasin Malik said that the freedom of Kashmiri’s has been snatched by the tyrants .we are being subjected to worst kind of oppression but the oppressors must remember that this gallantry nation will never shun its way of struggle and surely will succeed and get freedom soon. Calling for a complete shutdown on Indian PM Nerandera Modi’s Kashmir visit on the eve of Diwali on 23rd Oct 2014, Yasin Malik said that Kashmiri Muslims have always respected the religious sentiments of every sect living in Jammu Kashmir. It is our religious and moral duty to do so but it is also a fact that today India is governed by Hindu extremists. These people have a clear anti Muslim and anti Kashmiri agenda. Such is the limit of their hypocritical behavior and policy based on hatred that Indian prime minister is even politicizing flood devastation and miseries being faced by the people of Kashmir. He said that the announcement of Indian PM to celebrate Dewali in Kashmir is ironical. Doesn’t Modi Jee know that Kashmir being a Muslim majority area recently celebrated the festival of Eid ul Zuha? Who is Modi Jee trying to befool. Everyone knows that he is coming to celebrate Dewali with his army and forces and is trying to play politics on a human tragedy. He said that on the day of Eid ul Azha Indian state clamped curfew at Lal Chowk, stopped people even from offering Eid prayers and Kashmir instead of celebrations was filled with grief and sorrow, but we heard no words of sympathy from Mr. Modi or his government. Yasin sahib said that Kashmiris are totally justified in their protest on this visit and we will through our protest expose this hypocritical and double faced attitude of India. Meanwhile a collective congregation of repentance before almighty Allah was held after the program in which thousands of devotees asked for Allah’s forgiveness and blessings. Meanwhile JKLF has paid rich tributes to Bijebihara martyrs on their martyrdom day. A delegation led by JKLF zonal president Noor Mohammad Kalwal visited martyrs graveyard Bijebihara today and paid rich tributes to martyrs. Delegation comprised of JKLF leaders basher Ahmad Kashmiri, Mohammad Ishaaq and Ghulam Qadir Hyder. Delegation offered prayers at the graveyard .on the occasion Noor sahib said that this massacre reminds us the brutal face of Indian state sponsored terrorism. He pledged to continue the freedom movement till the achievement of the goal. Noor sahib has also expressed his heartfelt grief and sorrow over the sad demise of grandmother of JKLF activist Mushtaq Ahmad Gabroo. Noor sahib while expressing solidarity with the bereaved family prayed for the heavenly abode of the demise. ENDS
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:36:03 +0000

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