Mohammad Arabi (A Genius and Respectable Human): (“Say, I am - TopicsExpress


Mohammad Arabi (A Genius and Respectable Human): (“Say, I am only a man like you...,” Surah 18:110) Mohammad Arabi was an orphan. From very young age he was put into job of looking after family herd, a very lonely job. In very hot desert climate, he used to rest in caves for long hours. Thus he become a thinker in lonely hours of those days.. When become older, his uncle, who was a tradesman, took Mohammad Arabi on trading trips to the surroundings countries of Arabia, such as today’s Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Ethiopia, Yemen, etc. During those trade journeys, Mohammad Arabi met tradesman of various countries, cultures and religions. These were long journeys of days and nights for months, and caravens of those traders rest during hot day afternoon and at nights. There was no entertainments in those days, so they talk long hours about everything, their personal life, country, culture and religion. Mohammad Arabi gained all that knowledge from those traders of various countries, about their cultures and religions. There were main two religions in those areas, namely Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad Arabi gained a lot about main religions of those areas. Mohammed married to his employer, a lady named Khadija who was much older than Mohammad Arabi and being herself trader was very clever lady. They settled down in Mecca where Mohammad Arabi was looking after their local business. Mohammad Arabi had lot of time on his hand , and he was genius and thinker. He used to go to the local caves to pass his time and also thinking about betterment of his people, who were very backward community. He thought of method to teach his community and, thus Quran came into existence. Because Mohammad Arabi learned only about two main religions of that area and time, Quran does not mention about world’s other older religions, such as Hinduism aur Buddhism.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:23:15 +0000

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