Mohammadans threw acid on the bull. The Mohammadans control the - TopicsExpress


Mohammadans threw acid on the bull. The Mohammadans control the illegal trafficking of Indian cattle to all other countries for beef, and they are proud to call themselves as the Cattle-mafia. Due to these pious Islamic activities, India is the number one beef exporter in the world, by all means illegal – international as well as national. Indian governments, including the so-called Hindutva governments, take no action against this illegal smuggling for it will be against the secularist fiber of Nerhruvian India and would disappoint the minority sentiments, and their rights (actually, the vote bank). Indian cattle is one of the highest symbols of Hinduism. Killing the Kaffir Indian cattle and performing cruelties on them are activities that have Islamic divine sanctions and blessings. Therefore, it is the rights of Mohammadans to spearhead the cattle-mafia and unleash cruelties on animals. As Sundays are the hatred spewing day unto the sheep on the pews in churches, Fridays are the hatred spewing day at Masjids. All the communal violence starts on Fridays in most part of the world, including violence on animals. Wherever the Mohammadans are not allowed to kill the cattle, they indulge in cruelties against them. The latest one is at Mehsana in Gujarat. Last week Friday, 30 June 2014, Mohammadans returning from their Friday mass, completely inebriated with Islamic peace spreading notions with spears, knife, fire, rape, looting, and poison saw a bull on their way. Obviously, the gullible bull is owned by an irresponsible modern Hindu who has let it roam the road to find its food. On seeing their opportunity to perform the religious duty, the Mohammadans of Gujarat performed an act that they have reserved so far for women only. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=704816739553535&set=a.220375751330972.50918.100000756452510&type=1&theater
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:39:06 +0000

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