Mohammed thought the Jews and Christians of his day would receive - TopicsExpress


Mohammed thought the Jews and Christians of his day would receive him as a prophet. But the Bible says that any new revelation must agree with what is already established in Scripture (Isaiah 8:20). So they rejected his Allah as a false god. And Mohammed replied by setting his Islam on a permanent warpath against Judaism and Christianity that continues to this day. • Muslims murder 3,000 innocents in New York and expect no criticism. • Muslims murder 202 tourists in Bali and expect no criticism. • Muslims murder 333 schoolchildren and their teachers in Beslan and expect no criticism. • Muslims murder 292 innocents, mainly Kenyans and Tanzanians at two US Embassies and expect no criticism. • Muslims murder 241 US and 58 French peacekeepers in Beirut and expect no criticism. • Muslims fire 4,000 Katyusha rockets into Northern Israel killing over 50 innocent civilians and expect no criticism. • Muslims murder 52 in London and 191 in Madrid and expect no criticism. • Muslims murder 200 in Mumbai and expect no criticism. • Muslims behead Western hostages in Iraq, Buddhist monks in Thailand and Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia and expect no criticism. • Muslims murder 500,000 in Darfur and expect no criticism. • Muslims regard Jews as sons of pigs and monkeys, and vow to nuke Israel and expect no criticism. • Muslims force women to wear hideous sacks, stone women to death for getting raped and for leaving the home unescorted, engage in honor killings of sisters and daughters for unapproved dating, and expect no criticism. • Muslims danced in the streets and handed out sweets to their kids to celebrate the 9/11 atrocity, and still expected no criticism. • Since 9/11 Muslims have killed over 26,000 and wounded over 50,000 in terrorist attacks worldwide - and expect no criticism. • Since 9/11 Muslims have committed terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Chad, Chechnya, Dagestan, Denmark, East Timor, Egypt, England, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ingushetia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Jordan-Iraq, Kabardino-Balkans, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Gaza-Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Republic, United States, Uzbekistan and Yemen, and still expect no criticism. Muslims have carried out over 5,800 fatal terrorist atrocities since 9/11, and countless millions (270 million) since Islamic conquest began in 623 AD and expect no criticism. ISIS is slaughtering there way across Iraq and you dont mention them. ISIS is slaughtering there way across Iraq and you dont mention them. Boko Harem, another Islamic enclave, slaughtering by the thousands and no outrage from you. Al-Quiada, Hamas, Hezbellah and on and on but not you focus on a tiny country Israel but see no wrong in the Islamic conquests. AND THEY EXPECT US TO RESPECT THEM AND THEIR TWISTED RELIGION ENOUGH TO CONVERT! Muslims massacred by other Muslims since 1971: Pakistan 1971: 3 Million Muslims Dead. Sudan 1983: 1 Million Muslims Dead. Iraq 1988: 800,000 Muslims Dead. Algeria 1991: 150,000 Muslims Dead. Syria 2011-2014: 250,000 Muslims Dead. Where is the outrage for all these dead Muslims? Where is the outrage for ISIS shooting dozens of Iraqi soldiers in the head and video-taping the whole grizzly murder scene? Where is the outrage for Bobo Harum kidnapping 250 school girls? Where indeed!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:18:40 +0000

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