Mohanokor Khmer Kevin Thach Tue · What make us KhmerKrom more - TopicsExpress


Mohanokor Khmer Kevin Thach Tue · What make us KhmerKrom more Unique then Khmer, Kampuchea. Is the Struggling, the history behind us and that still leave a deep wound in all of us today and most of all is who we are when the world ask Who Are You? its not about the Pride its about being treat and respect as a human being. LikeCommentShare TheApsara Band Khmer and 28 others like this. Rodney Som KhmerKrom is a resilient and theyre wont died as Viet under-estimated... Edited · Like · Yesterday at 12:12pm Chad Phuong Right on Brother Like · Yesterday at 1:25pm Mohanokor Khmer Kevin Thach with all do and respect sir therere no needs to mention Khmers Cambodia or Khmers Krome or Khmers Ler for that matters. Its not the time yet right we Khmer need to built One Strong Khmers United Bow and Arrow to shoot and destroy Youn Vietminh Whore Chi Minh colonialism ambition so were Khmers can live in peace and Harmony that all. Like · More · Yesterday at 5:27pm Kevin Thach We khmerkrom didnt ask to be called by KhmerKrom or khmer kampucheakrom. We was once khmer until The people of Kampuchea and the stupid Sihanous divided and leave us stranded and hopeless until today. I can still recall, my families escaping to Kampuchea and being bully and call us Youn due to our Accent. I am speaking not that i wanted to divided, but make a statement of who i am. Like · 2 · Yesterday at 5:42pm Pros Tee P Youre Khmer.. at the end of the day if you love your country and origin you would not divide your words nor your spirit. So make a statement that would rejoice both kampuchea and khmerkorm. To me, Khmer is Khmer. Weather youre from krom or ler. --__-- THATS A STATE THAT DOESNT DIVIDE KHMER PEOPLE. Unlike · 2 · Yesterday at 8:26pm Song Kim Theyre working too hard to divide usCambodia 3 parts but not let us to divide ourselves.Were only one KhmerCambodianWere still in the world map. Unlike · 1 · Yesterday at 10:04pm Mohanokor Khmer Kevin still a baby. With your bickering remark it wont get us no where but to making Youn Vietnam Hanoi joyful every time Youn parasites saw and hear us fighting. My family came from Swai tong Moth Chrouk Kampujea Krome what do you think I feel from all the trash talk and name calling from other Khmers ? Like Ive said now is not the time. To be a true Khmer compatriot or Khmer nationalist one must put the personal feeling aside and must possess a leader mine set. Like · More · 1 hour ago Kevin Thach Mohanokor Khmer, khmer min choul Kbounn,ah Youn min choul lbeich. And at the of the day.... Srok Khmer will again Abandon KK again. Like · 1 hour ago Mohanokor Khmer True. But the truth is all true Khmers nationalist willing to do what ever it take to regain Khmer lost lands. Only the Uneducated, brains wash by the Youn Vietnam Hanoi CPP Youn Hun Sen Cronies and the illiterate Khmers bunches that had denied their own Khmers bloodline ancestor and their Khmer lost land or simply put you can say theyre alive without brain. Another important history fact since the fall of Khmer Empire from 1431 till now we Khmer never had any great or skillful king that why we are where we are. Most of our leaders and king for more than five hundred years now theyre all are target and easy to manipulated by the crocodile Youn Vietnam and the Tiger Seam Thai . Like Sihanouk hes not even finish high school how much leadership and politic skill do you think he had ? The same goes with CPP Youn Hun Sen this parasite not even in forth grade that why Youn Vietnam love to keep him as Cambodia prime minister. Come to this last post election were all knew that Youn CPP Hun Sen cheated us and therere more than five millions Voters had voted for the CNRP according to the NGO in Cambodia. And were had the golden opportunity to do the demonstration till CPP Youn Hun Sen step down but the CNRP leaders give up on us. Chin up, keep your heads up when Were all united and good leader com along Kampujea Krome will reunited with Cambodia. That why Youn Vietnam Parasites trying so hard to dividing us a part theyre did all kinds of dirty tricks. Did you know right now in every branches of Cambodia govt therere one Youn Parasite in every two Khmers Govt Official ? Mohanokor Khmer Fair and balance. But if you debate with the true Khmers compatriot in and out side Cambodia they all will agree with me that were had the the golden opportunity to over throw and end the CPP Youn Vietnam Hun Sen regime by now but the CNRP leaders ruins it. Facts therere more than five million voters had voted for CNRP out of 6.5 millions that had voted for both CPP and CNRP according to the NGO. Time is on our Khmers side yet the CNRP let it sliped away. LIKE, SHARE N COMMENT Credit to all Khmers Sneha Jeat ! Oh my innocent Khmers people when will this kind of animals behavior criminal acts gonna end ? First were hope the CNRP gonna claims true Independence for Khmers people and Cambodia now Im hopeless. CPP Youn Hun Sen havent change their Youn Animals behavior. The sad part is the CNRP made them to become legal Govt. Go figure folks this is our Khmers and Cambodia faiths. Mohanokor Khmer LIKE, SHARE N COMMENT Credit to all Khmers Sneha Jeat ! Angkor Khmer copy from Thab goodmeaning full... ឈប់ ហៅ ហ៊ុន សែន ថា «អាយ៉ងយួន» ភ្លាម បើ ហ៊ុន សែន ៖ - បណ្តេញយួន អន្តោប្រវេសន៍ខុសច្បាប់ ចេញពីស្រុក ខ្មែរ - យកអង្គរវត្ត , បូកគោ , ព្រៃឡង់ , ដី សម្បទាន 99ឆ្នាំ ពីយួន វិញ - បិទ សមាគម យួន 24 ខេត្ត-ក្រុង - ទាមទារ អោយយួន សុំទោស ចំពោះការបំភ្លៃ ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ - ហ៊ានចេញមុខ ទាមទារ កោះត្រល់ និងកម្ពុជាក្រោម ពីយួន - គិតគូ ពីសុខទុក្ខ ប្រជាជនខ្មែរក្រោម - ឈប់ អោយ យួន តំាងមូលដ្ឋាន ទ័ព នៅទួលក្រសាំង - ឈប់ គេច ទៅស្រុក យួន នៅពេលមាន បញ្ហា (ដូចជា ថ្ងៃ 5-6 កក្កដា) - បណ្តេញឧត្តមសេនីយ៍ ជនជាតិយួន ចេញពី ក្រសួងការពារជាតិ របស់ខ្មែរ - បំផ្លាញចោល រូបចម្លាក់ មិត្តភាព ខ្មែរ-យួន នៅភ្នំពេញ និងក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ - ឈប់បញ្ជូន ប៉ូលិស -ទាហាន ខ្មែរ ទៅរៀន ស្រុកយួន - ឈប់ អោយអភិបាល ខេត្ត ជាប់ព្រំដែន ទៅប្រជុំ នៅយួន - ឈប់ ដាក់ទោស ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ដែល ហ៊ាននិយាយពី យួនឈ្លានពាន - ឈប់ បើកដៃ អោយទំនិញ យួនហូរ ចូលស្រុកខ្មែរ - ឈប់ទិញ ប្រេង ពីយួន ត្រូវទៅទិញផ្ទាល់ ពីប្រទេស អារ៉ាប់ វិញ - ទាមទារ អោយយួន កុំធ្វើបាប ខ្មែរក្រោម - ទាមទារ អោយយួន អនុញ្ញាត ឱ្យខ្មែរក្រោម រៀនអក្សរខ្មែរ - ឈប់ផ្តល់ អត្តសញ្ញាណប័ណ្ណ អោយយួន - ឈប់អោយ យួន ឡើងថ្លែងការ ជំនួស ពេលប្រជុំនៅ UN - បិទ ស្ថានីយ ទូរទស្សន៍ និងវិទ្យុរបស់ យួន នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ The question whether the Youn Vietnam Parasite Race will confess to their criminal acts against Khmer Nation and her people or not ? The answer is absolutely, completely, totally and definitely not. A thief would never admitted that he or she is a thief or else it wouldnt call as a thief. But for us Khmers were must continuing our journey until were get to our destination and done rescuing our Cambodia and Kampujea Kroim Including 30 millions Khmer with both regions from Youn Vietnam Parasites Colonialism or else well not gonna stop that is the bottom line. Cambodia is a Multi Nationals, International and foreign landscape for mixes race to coexist as Cambodia Nation. Despite all of that Youn Vietnamese ia the only Parasites Race that creating all kind of problems for Cambodia. Yet the World and the International Community doesnt see to care for Youn Vietnam Parasites did to Cambodia. ................................... CPP Youn Hun Sen demanded to CNRP and Khmers people to stop calling him and the of the CPP cronies Youn Vietnam Puppets and to stop the culture of WHEN THE WATER RISES THE FISHES EATING THE ANTS AND WHEN THE WATER RECEDED THE ANTS EATING THE FISHES. its easy for the rest of the Khmers people to keep the promises but the CPP Cronies and especially Youn Hun Sen himself felt miserably. My parents always told me to never trust the CPP Youn Whore Chi Minh created in 1951 and the rest of CPP Youn Hun Sen Cronies.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 02:41:33 +0000

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