Mohanokor Khmer LIKE , SHARE N COMMENT THE WILL POWER - TopicsExpress


Mohanokor Khmer LIKE , SHARE N COMMENT THE WILL POWER FOR KHMERS TO RESCUE OUR NATION FROM YOUN HANOI CPP HUN SEN IS : EVERY KHMER MUST POSSESS JAYAVARMAN VII MIND SET EVERY KHMER MUST HAVE JAYAVARMAN VII HEART AND SOUL EVERY KHMER MUST HAVE KHMER EMPIRE MIND SET EVERY KHMER MUST HAVE KHMER EMPIRE HEART AND SOUL COURAGE STRENGTH ENDURANCE UNITY UNION FEDERATION TEAM COOPERATION COLLABORATION NETWORK UNIFIED SYSTEM WE ARE ONE HEART OF A LEADER SOLID LIKE A ROCK NO FEAR NO FIGHTING AMONG KHMER NO GOSSIPING CHAMPION HEART 24/7 ALL THE TIMES ! UNITED WE STAND DEVIDE WE FALL ! Like N Share Anhhung Kromuonsor យុវជន កូនខ្មែរកុំដេកចាំដូចចាម ឡាវ ខ្មែរក្រោម ខ្មែរសុរិនសៀម យួនយកអស់ហើយណា!យុវជន កូនខ្មែរ សម័យដេកចោរសែនមានចោរ៤ប្រភេទនៅប្រទេសខ្មែរ ១ ចោរប្លន់ដី ធ្លី ផ្ទះសំបែង ប្រជាជន។ ២ ចោរប្លន់ គំរោង គឺ កាន់ផ្លូវស៊ីផ្លូវ កាន់ព្រៃឈើ អស់ព្រៃ។ល។(ឈ្លើងសង្គម) ៣ ចោរលួចលក់ជាតិដោយប្រយោលស្រស់ៗដូចជា សម្បទានដីឲ្យយួន៩៩ឆ្នាំ ខ្លាចយួន ចំណូលអង្គរវត្តឲ្យយួនប្រមូលយក ភ្នំបូកគោ។ល។ ឲ្យយួនមករស់ស្រុកខ្មែរដើម្បីសម្លាប់សេដ្ឋកិច្ចកូនខ្មែរ កាត់កោះត្រល់ ដីតាមជាយដែនបន្ថែម យកលេះបោះបង្គោលព្រំដែន។ ៤ ចោរប្លន់ឆន្ទ:និងក្តីសង្ឃឹមពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ (ប្លន់សន្លឹកឆ្នោតរាស្រ្ត) តើយុវជន កូនខ្មែរគិតពិចារណាយ៉ាងណា? ឥឡូវហ៊ុនសែនហ៊ានធ្វើដូចសៀមដែរឬទេ?ចាប់យួនចេញពីប្រទេសខ្មែរ Never trust Youn Hun Sen CPP and his Boss Vietnamese had known through out the world that theyre the number one compulsive liar on earth . So as the Khmers we cant let this liar and deceitful parasite species Vietnamese continue their Youn lying styles and trickeries run through their teeth , through out the human world and especially the Khmers history . We Khmers must continue preaching and educating the world about the trued Khmer history that had been existed for the past millions years In S . E . Asia And stop these Youn Parasites Species once. And for all . So next time when the Youn open their dogs eating stinky mouth the world already knew that the Khmer history was genuinely and truthfully all a long about the Youn imitation and falsification history Like N Share ! Example if were take King jayavarman VII body the Greatest Khmer King of all time to do a little analysis and comparison . Were Khmers as the descendent of The Graet Khmer Empire childrens were all ought to be embarrassed and ashamed of ourself to the point of no return . Example : The lost of Kampujea Krome just like King Jayavaraman VII lost his right leg The lost of the whole Thailand just like King Jayavaraman VII lost his right arm . The Lost of the whole Lao just like King Jayavaraman VII lost his left arm . The lost of Gulf of Thailand just like King Jayavaraman VII lost his left leg . And now his body Cambodia and His heart the world famous Angkor Wott are facing uncertainty and extinction . Because his Khmers children doesnt know how to united together and keeping his parts of the body intact . It must have been hard for being the greatest king of the Khmer Empire , always lost this part of his body and that part of his limb . Shamed shamed shamed ! Indeed the lost of Kampujea Krome 65 years by the French Govt Evil Act and inhumanly ceded and transferred Kampujea Krome to Youn Bao Đại is the painful memory no amount of words and money worthy of the lost , the pains , the struggling and the suffering Until the end of time . So lets all remembering and commemorating the piece of precious diamond that we should never been lost in the first place. Well seeing us all in Kampujea Krome in the near future !
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:35:38 +0000

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