Mohd Rosmazi very outgoing..he is very - TopicsExpress


Mohd Rosmazi very outgoing..he is very optimistic..however, Mohd Rosmazi prefers a position which does not involve a great deal of analyzing problems and decisions ..He is quite creative and progressive .. Mohd Rosmazi prefers not to occupy a position which requires a great deal of perseverance .however he is forthright, frank and to the point..Mohd Rosmazi is quite capable of being tactful .. He has a good balance between being tactful and being direct ..Mohd Rosmazi is very skilled at interpersonal communication.. He is helpful and conscious of others needs..Mohd Rosmazi is quite empathetic and warm.. He is quite well organized ... Inilah serba sedikit tentang diri insan yang bergelar Razamin Armazi... Tqvm for my parent Razab b Awang & Aminah bt Ishak sbb sy sayang kamu lah sy gabungkan nama kamu menjadi nama sy... Raz Amin.. A for Aminah R for Razab..
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 14:01:01 +0000

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