Mom Post: Rant: So Monday bm went to court for contempt on - TopicsExpress


Mom Post: Rant: So Monday bm went to court for contempt on cs. She is way behind and refused to pay a dime. Of course it is all our fault and my husband is mean and selfish for making her pay 140 a month when she only sees sd 6 days a month at best! Thats a good payment considering the time share schedule! She had the nerve to tell bf what normal person works 40 hrs a week? ... Really?! I work a full 40 to support a kid thats not even mine! today we picked sd up from her weekend and the girl is wearing a skirt that is 3 sizes to small. She is 8 and it was a size 5. Her butt cheeks were hanging out! So I sent bm a message asking her (again) to please monitor what she is wearing out of the house. The response I got was she is not your daughter and she picks out what she wants to wear. Ive been the bigger person for to long. I pay to much child support to afford to buy her new cloths I wouldnt be so mad at any of it if it wasnt all completely bull. She gripes about cs and not affording it kuz she stays at home baby daddy #3/boyfriend makes 100000 a yr and they take at least 2 vacations a yr, just moved to a bigger house and bought a new car, she is always boasting about going shopping, but cant afford to put her child in cloths that fit?! Worst part is that this isnt the first time weve fought about cloths that are to small. The girl has come home with big boils on her legs that weve had to take her to the dr to get lanced. The dr said its from wearing cloths that are to tight!!! I simply wrote back that if she needed cloths that fit her to let me know and I would send her weekend bag when she goes. I wish she would put the petty stuff aside and see that by her being that way its just hurting sd. rp. No Bashing Please. -Freya
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 06:03:49 +0000

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