Mom Tip: Know What You Don’t Like I try to always try to - TopicsExpress


Mom Tip: Know What You Don’t Like I try to always try to focus on the positive in these mom tips, but sometimes we all have to face the things we simply don’t like. And there are just some things I CANNOT STAND about parenting. 1) Micromanaging my daughter’s outfits in the morning. This is a painful battle of wills between my desire to have her match and her need to make a statement with wool tights on an 80 degree day. 2) Taking my kids to a public restroom. Yech. 3) Going to the grocery store. The kids are too big for the cart, and those tractor trailer-like mega carts just dont make turns. I almost always flip my lid at check-out when they touch every piece of candy and I have to say “No, you cannot have that,” 50 times. But acknowledging that I don’t enjoy those things is the first step in freeing myself from them, as often as possible. I can’t do much about taking the kids to public restroom, but I can loosen my grip on the wardrobe drama, as long as my daughter’s clothes are weather-appropriate. Purple striped shirt with blue polka-dot pants? Sure, why not? And when I have the kids with me, I’m going to avoid all the drama and just drive through Swiss Farms instead of going to the grocery store. After all, with so little time and so much to do, I’d rather spend it on the things that really matter. Sometimes, that means being a little more flexible. Sometimes it means taking advantage of better alternatives. In both cases, it’ll mean fewer of the battles that I certainly won’t miss. And I like that very much.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:23:42 +0000

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